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Everything posted by squince

  1. Hmmm...im not exactly smooth and i would like to say i go big and my rims fine...no dent or eggs :) cheers andy That rim that broke is one of the old not so strong ones a beilve :S
  2. No matter what u can get a half place replacement, but i was speaking to this lads dad at a comp and he says his son got one for free when his stripped, i think his dad pushed a bit though (Y) cheers andy
  3. Yeh, I could imagine it, more like tra than anybody else (Y) Wasnt there a programme about how he died the other week, it had his wife on it? cheers andy
  4. squince

    06 Pitbull

    This is biffs 06 pitbul (nearlly finished) (Y) cheers andy
  5. If Gaz is there i will be there. (Y) cheers andy
  6. squince


    I new you would upload it gaz...you could of at least waited for me to send a better clip than that wheelswap. Nice teaser (Y) cheers andy
  7. Hey, theres loads of things it could be 1) steer tube is too long causing the steer tube to just tighten against the top cap. 2) Peices of headset are missing. 3) Headset cracked, broken and loads more...but they are the common ones i doubt your forks have snapped But the little ring that goes on the bottom of your forks may not fit your headset. Obviously your forks could of cracked or snapped but thats very unlikely. Your best bet is to first take the screw out the starfangle nut, and if your forks are in line with the top of ur stem, you either need to put some spacing in or, cut ur forks down. You havent said its stiff so it does sound like the steer needs chopping down, your forks should tighten up enough so it doesent move no matter what. so if ur forks are the right size and fine, take it apart and look for damage and missing parts and report back here :closedeyes: cheers andy
  8. Is it true you can learn to drive at 15 over there? cheers andy
  9. Mate, if you looked i.e searched on google you would find out wouldent you :closedeyes: Take a look on ChainReactionCycles cheers andy
  10. squince

    "rail Video"

    Cheers Janson, dowloading now (N) cheers andy Mint, Wheelswap to to both wheels on a round rail...WTF :closedeyes:
  11. Hmmm... this Or this Not saying there the best mp3 players in the world but, there budget :lol: Couple of weeks ago im sure i saw an ipod shuffle in the carphone warehouse for £40 I dont now what meg it was though. cheers andy
  12. Hey, Is this smithy who came to mansfield once on a pink bike of some sort and whipped out on a post(i think it was a post)? cheers andy P.s Sorry for the off-topic post :lol:
  13. Cheers, Its Worked mint :'( Thanks alot man cheers andy
  14. Done it and its worked but i cant get the f**king resivior to stop leaking ffs EDIT: all sorted now...there was a little crack in the seal...amazing what a cigarette lighter can do :'(
  15. right..First of all could you give a full run through o how to bleed a hope brake and... ive put the top cap on the front of the lever and when i press the brake liquid seeps out the sides a bit :'( Is this because i just filled it to the brim and put the top cap striahgt on? cheers andy
  16. Get your arses down to home bargains....all the top brands at bottom prices :P cheers andy
  17. squince


    CARCASS...first time i have ever seen anybody mention them..the drummer lives where i do :P But the band no longer exists do to him having a brain tumour, Leaving him with no memory or control of his body or speach :P I dident think they were big :P cheers andy
  18. Do you have to download all three of the top ones? you dident make it clear which one to download :P cheers andy
  19. Why does it not work for me :turned:
  20. squince

    Sam Holmes_2

    Wooo...Ive been waiting a while for this one :) Will edit when downloaded :D cheers andy EDIT: :P Nicely done Sam...im impressed :P
  21. If your talking about where he drops of the big skyscraper and breaks his ankle :P I belive he posted the clip on here in a different topic :angry: Take a search :ermm: cheers andy
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