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Everything posted by squince

  1. Doesent bmx f**k people knees more than trials? Just a mate of mine couldent ride bmx because of knee trouble, but could do trials cheers andy
  2. I wanted a pair mikey Ahh well your bound to make some more pads cheers andy, and good luck mike.
  3. squince

    Gaz Meredith

    Good little video there Your gaps have come on loads! cheers andy
  4. squince

    Sheff Vid 2!

    Pinnacle studio, nice vid biff
  5. The Koxx one will fit, as its the same as what Gazm has in his gu cheers andy
  6. Joe, your bikes pink Looks quite nice, Im surprised more people havent sprayed there zona. cheers andy
  7. Make sure you get an ambulance on standby then
  8. squince


    Pretty good there maz!!RFGFG
  9. Was ok i suppose. Could Have chose a better song Editting could have been better, but for a first, good job Try in your next video to film stuff of your best potential. I noticed in that video you were backwheeling something fairlly big, then something about 20'' Anyway good job cheers andy
  10. I will most probably be there cheers andy
  11. squince


    These and the echo, and gu brake levers are available at tartybikes mid june Im not really sure about length and that. cheers andy
  12. NOOOO Zoo pads on a smooth rim on front. Majic pads or plazmatic crm on grinds on the back! end off lol cheers andy
  13. Photo not showing up for me I have just sprayed my bmx, its only a shit thing like for geting around, but all is good my dads been the motor and body work trade for 40 years, so that helped cheers andy
  14. I bought a bike of selectbikes almost a year and a half ago, It got stolen 6 months later I informed the police and they said go through your insurece so we did, and they bascially without asking any questions said, you can have anything upto 1500 pounds if it was stolen from your house, or 1000 pounds if stolen anywhere in the uk, them prices are a maximum on bike btw. My zoo that i bought from selelct bikes was 900 pounds, and i got 1300 out of them and bought an echo team from tartybikes, All i had to do is send my reciept to my insurence and they wrote the cheque for the amount i needed, basically if your going to do it get tarty ti make a a quote on a more expensive bike, then say its the nearest there is now and its more expenive, worked for me, no questions asked. hope i helped. cheers andy
  15. squince


    i have showed you how to do it mike OHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD!! That was sooo helpful its untrue
  16. Have you got the one that was released into trials videos the other week? if not i'll upload it to tv.isg.si cheers andy
  17. hey, I have two videos that i never released, one is on my toxsin about 2 months ago, its not really a very good video, riding isnt top notch eiter , anyway its called 'toxsin last'. The other video is about a year and half old and its got me and mikey in, when i had my python Dont laugh to hard, also the camera i had then wasnt to good, and it dident help with the way i uploaded through usb , its called 'mikey n squince'. Seen as im showing these two, thought i might aswell put up video one agaIin for those who missed t or want to see it again that caled 'video 1' . Expect a longer and better 'video 2', look out for that Thanks to Adam at trialfutur.net They can all be found here cheers andy
  18. hey Nadine Nice photos also... Nice bum cheers andy
  19. It snapped at the downtube Not exactly spare! cheers andy
  20. Basically, he snapped his monty and had it rewelded with a gusset making it 3 cm longer Then resprayed it pink cheers andy
  21. How can you say that You might not like them, but there far from 'shit'. Anyway you do some better ones Awsome photos cheers andy
  22. Yeh i love YMSA comps, There so much more relaxed than the british rounds. Ive seen peoples fathers (not naming anyone) Throw there sons bike because he fived a section Also when people throw there bikes and start swearing at even YMSA sometimes, Whats the point? There will always be this in any sport No matter how much you try and get rid of it. cheers andy
  23. There more tucked away than a normal crossover, if you put them under the frame correctly Anyway, my man JoeB's brake feels alot better than a crosover bled with oil, i dont think it makes much difference with water, but with an oil bleed, it feels alot nicer IMO If You use mineral oil, go for it If you know how to put the pipe over the bolt properly, you shoudlent have any trouble at all with leaking, I have helped joe with bleeding his on many occasions, and its a bit of a bitch bleeding both sides, but worth it with oil cheers andy
  24. This is one of the orignals, that he bought of craig Just so everyone nows
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