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Everything posted by squince

  1. Well its an 06 really I love it...
  2. Was 16 a few weeks back...
  3. Its ok for a first attempt i thought, compared too mine anyway . I could make you a template if you wanted too?
  4. Hey, i measured my head at 61 cm, bought a xen at 59-63, and its massive. What helmets do you lot use and does it fit nicely(if you have a 62cm head ).
  5. Or how about you try and stop posting on my account mike?
  6. Sam just say ''thanks'' not ''thank you'' lol Get a echo
  7. Good Photos, Joe Really liked the first one of the guy on the mod toxsin . How long have you had that site Joe?
  8. And youve just turned 15? kin ell Only really get a goateee n tash, shave them about every 3-4 days. Everywhere else about once a month or something, but i dont need too.
  9. Met Tic at a few ymsa comps, seemed a nice funny guy
  10. Indeed, Luckily i have 2 tubs of caustic soda next too me
  11. Thats my brothers bike . My bikes are ALWAYS black and siver .
  12. Stop with the coloured bikes please. Would look pimp black and silver.
  13. Until you have learnt the english language and can make a word of sense STFU. Nice vid lads, can see Alex is alot better than he was in them vids on his t-lite . Does prawn ride for ashton bikes? His style is something else
  14. squince

    Matt Henstock

    Nice video, What happened too the sheff footage? Editting was good i thought. All goood .
  15. I was using them as an example .
  16. That would be see though like plastic tubing, with zip ties holding it on too protect the frame
  17. yeh, It was a drop gap, sidehop, gap, sidehop type video really... Want too get involved in the more technical side of riding . Thanks for all the comment and keep them coming.
  18. Most footage is quite old, wasnt going too make a vid but thought i may as well seen as i got them little wheelswaps on the blue rail Next vid should be good:D.
  19. That was fun as f**k, i gave you a new rim though after i made it like a 50 p then you recked that one . Your a serial rim killer . See you soon
  20. Too be fair, there new too the forum and see that other people have done it and in some cases got validated for it, so they do, just my thought on it though. Can we get back on topic now and say who we think will be the next big thing in trials Not many people have heard of this guy as he doesent have a video camera, but he really is th next big thing, His names deonn h, hes a member on this forum and is about 13 i think and has already got a good style and technique and is gapping 9 foot flat too flat and sidehopping 48 inches, not bad ay? Havent rode with him in a while but i sooo want too film him and make a video of him . Haha, missed that, Doubt i will be getting much better than i am too be honest Matt unless i get back too be honest matt, Im stopping drop gaps as they have screwed my knee up Think i might focus more on the natural more technical side of riding .
  21. Who do you think will be the next big thing in trials, Like the next damon or next neil, next Benito or whatever?
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