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Everything posted by squince

  1. The stuff i filmed of danny he dident film for his video, so that tells you something . I dont mind, and take note from contructive critisicm , Its when people start saying them trousers are too tight and it made the video shit and unwatchable. You all need too grow up. If you would like too rip the shit out of him for being emo, please do it in person, Make sure you have an ambulance on standby like
  2. yeh, Made the video longer with slow mo . i was only messing around anyway people, not like its him at his best. Jus thought i would show you hes around .
  3. After not riding for about 4-5 months, Danny came too mansfield today, and is starting riding full on again . So me being me thought i would make a vid of him . Nothing special or anything, just what i had chance too film. His video that he is in the process of filming will be alot better Contructive critisism is welcome. Also thought i would advertise tartybikes as he is sponsored by them. This is also too let people now hes still around . Click Enjoi
  4. Your a very controlled man. I would be going down for attempted murder right know if i was you.
  5. Bloody hell, give it a rest, Most of us make videos there is alawyas someone who wont like it. Joe has said some positive things about my videos in the past and has also spoke upon things that need improving. And thats the way it will always be. Get over it and stop being such a bunch of babys Nice video joe, shows the fun side of riding that goes of down there, none of this competetive stuff .
  6. NENENENNE What about if you couldent do anything bike related?
  7. Say a man walks upto and says (f**king unlikely) I will give you a million english pounds if you quit trials for ever and not have anythnit too do with it, coming on here for one. This should be intresting . I Think i would take the million quid and be gutted, really hard one.
  8. LMFAO I thought you left saracen too make something half decent? Im not even going too comment on the bike, I would probably get warned.
  9. Why the f**k would you get an erection on a ride .
  10. Your all obsessed. I can go a week without one, and not even notice. Am i the only person like that?
  11. squince

    Benny Vid 2!

    Nar, thats the best kind of video. f**k all this technical shit. Wheelswaps, sidehops, gaps are the best .
  12. 5 Foot flat too flat at a push.
  13. squince

    Benny Vid 2!

    Really liked that. You have really improved, try and wear your helmet all the time . But yeah, nice one .
  14. Come mansfield. You will NOT regret it.
  15. I send some backings first class on friday, he still hasnt received them. Unless he got them today. Its money as well so there is a chance it has been stolen, Theres alot of naughty postmen out there .
  16. Photos please? High BB time you mean Ali
  17. Slam pads in the oven, Put the disk in hot soapy water. Put it all back together, worked everytime when i had one in the front. You have bled it so hcnaces are you got oil on pads or calliper.
  18. How well does you style go with that song . Awsome video, really enjoyed it .
  19. Bloody helll....Them drop drop gaps . Well played .
  20. Expensive, about 40-50p a sheet, Think you need a special printer as well.
  21. Looks like your trying too hard too be smooth . I do it when i go on a DD monty, then i get back on mine and just generally rape it . Nice little vid, enjoyed it.
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