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Everything posted by squince

  1. haha, someone thought Joe was gay in the ''whos taking there gf to koxx days'' thread lmao.
  2. Gaz stripped his zoo's thought total misuse, they gave him a crash replacement.
  3. Bunch of pussys, id be going back tonight with intention of actual boddily harm. Seriously get your self hiden down there tonight, he comes, you land a right hook to the nose.
  4. If weather does what the forecast says its gonna do, i wont be there.
  5. squince

    Marko Blau....

    repost but phatt.
  6. stick to movie maker. You can rewind play on it.
  7. squince

    Small Video

    wank Lol only joking babe, mint vid.
  8. squince

    Phil King

    So many good riders ive never seen nore heard of , Your style is to die for, so controlled. Video was as everyone has said pretty faultless, maybe bit to much setting up time in a few clips but other than that fantastic, loved it. andy
  9. squince


    I have a few of them i'll upload to tv.isg.si.
  10. squince

    Ymsa 07

    Apparently there not aloud to be officially UCI, cant remember exactly the ins and outs though. Looking forward to these round, entering expert, be kind Dave , Put ashley in elite as well .
  11. Nice pics although they piss me of so bad when your trying to ride whilst there blitzing around doing nothing more than making the biggest mud bath mess youve seen.
  12. Thanks for comments lads, back seems to be getting a bit better.
  13. lmao, lower your front wheel more when you drop of. Look on trashzen, thats the one thing that site helped me with.
  14. From what i can see, i prefer the older version.
  15. Currently training too be a chef, i plan to travel and gather knowledge. Maybe one day setting up my own place.
  16. Mint, he probably bought the gu you idiots.
  17. Link now up and working.
  18. squince

    Loose Disc

    Commen problem, personally i would loctite them in.
  19. squince-video 6, forgot to mention alot of people have seen the clips as there quite old.
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