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Everything posted by squince

  1. Not what i got told, apprently supercycles were miffed that tartybikes were selling more than them, so they stopped supplying them to tartybikes, thats what Dave told me.
  2. Trials-forum full of sex pests, i can go 3 days without even thinking about it. That sites trying to scam you into buying there herbal shit bollocks.
  3. If i dont go for a shit once a day, i feel like shit.
  4. Im ghessing it makes you really poorly, explosive diarrhoea.
  5. FortMinor - Highroad Used it in my video Bail looked pretty nasty.
  6. Just used to seeing you on stock i think lol.
  7. nice vid, you look bit weird on mod thought lol, that songs mint.
  8. Lmao, you go and drop 10 foot like you would 1 foot then, not lowering front end at all.
  9. Koxx uk sort you out?
  10. Looks mint, how long you keeping this one for? Where do you get your funds lol.
  11. Could you post some photos up of those secndlayer hats, i remember seeing them a while back and thinking they looked a bit cool.
  12. squince


    One way to make yourself like a complete twat. No wonder you all have girl trouble, even considering to role down town in some of them.
  13. i think they were limited edition, could be wrong.
  14. Bin doing it as long as i can remember, brother does it, hes 35 no problems yet.
  15. Practice video as good, will download the elite one when im at home.
  16. We call them Static's and static's to back wheel.
  17. squince

    Free Razors

    yeah thats well dangerous lmfao.
  18. squince

    Leon Southend Vid

    Thought the editting was poo. Nice riding and music.
  19. That would be near on impossible on a mod. Id like to have a go on a stock.
  20. Sounds like you need a new exaust. EDIT: very likely to be pedles.
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