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IanJohnstone last won the day on February 10 2024

IanJohnstone had the most liked content!

About IanJohnstone

  • Birthday 11/09/1982

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  • Real Name
    Ian Johnstone
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Street riding, short film making & travel
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Say you’re getting old without saying you’re getting old Feedback welcomed https://youtu.be/_tcRv4x7XbQ
  2. Euan & I took some time off & did a mini road trip at the end of Feb, setting off on 22/02/2022 we decided to call the edit that, adding 'the road trip' as it's a bit easier to say. Riding London, Reading, Porthcawl, Cardiff & Bristol. Hope you enjoy https://youtu.be/__XLP7XVQWw
  3. Sorry I didn't check back to see this but the good news is that the episode is online now: Hope it's useful, feedback welcomed!
  4. I've got a whole trials shack episode on it coming soon trialsshack.com
  5. Hey guys, hope everyone is well & looking forward to some riding this weekend! I've recently started a trials show on youtube & thought I'd share to get people involved. Now named "Trials Shack" there's only 4 shows so far (& I feel like I'm getting the hang of talking to a camera lol) but there's a few more in the works & a giveaway. Let me know in the youtube comments what sort of thing you'd like to see more of, hope you enjoy! Ian
  6. Whatcha Here's a few clips of Rich Smith & I from a, adhering to social distancing rules, ride in Bournemouth at the weekend. It was so nice to get out on a ride with someone, after months of riding alone, taking it easy on local riding spots.. Hope everyone is safe & well
  7. Good work man, I enjoyed that
  8. Sick! Love the last clip, to front on/over the rail to sidehop to gap Off to try bunnys to front again...
  9. Hey dude, that hope trialzone brake is it a front or rear? Post or IS?

    1. IanJohnstone


      sorry man, just sold it. Was a rear, post mount

  10. Cheers man, nice to get a good review from the harsh critic of the forum lol It could be a bit much but yeah, I liked the Iron finish with the deevee rim green. I'm enjoying the change being on the Smith now, & I like the slight change in geo over the Iron. Your videos are really making me wanna ride Glasgow again!
  11. Love this edit dude, manual idol & impressive bunnies!
  12. IanJohnstone


    Flipp media always welcomed, nice one dude. I wanna go ride Leeds again
  13. Cheers dudes, & I didn't know you were in Cov Lemon, I'll give you a shout next time I'm up that way!
  14. Hi all, A mix of clips of riding the Ozonys Iron & Smith V2 bikes. If I'm honest I had more planned for this edit but broke my shoulder just over a week ago so thought I'd get this out, fix up & get onto the next one Music is Hipster Shakes by Black Pistol Fire https://vimeo.com/ianjtrials/ironvssmith
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