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Ali Courtney

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Everything posted by Ali Courtney

  1. The site looks awesome Your new vid is always as good as ever, some big stuff in there I remember that sidehop Damon did in Bristol it was massive Cheers Ali
  2. Ive owned a 160mm Mono Trial and a 203mm Juicy 7 . The Mono Trial was a good, powerful brake for the small rootr size but mine was troubled by sticky pistons, it is now at Hope to be fixed. Currently I am riding a 203mm Juicy, that I bought to replace my Mono Trial. The lever position and pad contact adjustment are great features to the powerful brake it has one major drawback. Aas a safety feature all Juicy levers click outwards in a event of a crash - yet this is extremly annoying. Every time you go for a bigger sidehop/tap or any big effort move the lever clicks out mid move to a position that your finger cant reach. The lever then has to be clicked in again before it can begin breaking. Cheers Ali C
  3. Truly awesome riding, up to your usual awesome standard Ali
  4. We are pretty much identical, although we don't have identical bikes Hopefully my brother and I shall be going with Adam Bessell (Hardcorebiking). Ali.
  5. My Echo Control 1085 My brothers Zoo Pitbull 1080 Soon to have a Echo 06 silver rim on the front. Ali.
  6. I'm about 5.9/10 ft and I've got the 1085 verison of the control. I find it an excellent length although I haven't tried the shorter version. I cannot really fault the frame really, it seems to be extremely good. I also find that the built in booster works extremely well. Its also good value as well. Overall its an excellent frame Ali
  7. Awesome photos Mike Looked like a good day. Ones of John are preety neat Cheers Ali C
  8. Hi Im thinking of getting either a 203mm bb7 or juicy 7 up front on my stock but cant decide on whether to go hydro or not? Ive rode Siders Juicy and his 160mm disc was truly immense yet on the other hand ive read many positive reviews on the avid mechanical Does a well set up bb7 truly have the power of a hydro? Any help appreciated on both brakes now Juicy's are becoming a more popular brake. Cheers Ali C
  9. I may be interested in some red stickers if the price is right Cheers Ali
  10. Ali Courtney


    Immense riding all round and some awesome editing. Uber respect to you Jonny for the time and effort that must have went in to producing a quality vid I especially liked the 24" section of John and the tech of Goddard Keep up the good work Ali
  11. A few of us are heading to Coventry tomorrow, anyone else interested ? We will be arriving around 10:30 at Coventry bus station. Cheers, Ali
  12. I know the feeling! I'm hoping to get it fixed and then sell it to fund a 203mm juicy seven or another brake. Thanks for the help anyways, Cheers Ali
  13. I did use the search first and I have tried using Silicone grease but it only seemed to solve to problem for a for a bit then then start sticking again. Ali
  14. On my Hope Mono Trial I have followed instructions from various posts but still both pistons continue to stick. So far I have tried: Holding one piston with a tyre lever then pressing the lever to move the pistons out I have also tried re lubing the pistons but this also didnt really help - advice giving by Hope. Does anyone else have any suggestions as I really need to get the brake in full working order again. Ali
  15. Great riding, he's got big height on both Sidehops and Taps. Ali
  16. Another Good vid, some good riding in there. Keep it up, Ali
  17. www.hopegb.com Cheers Ali
  18. Some good riding and I also felt it was edited quite well. Keep up the good work. Ali
  19. Good video, the riding was pretty smooth. Shame it wasn't any longer. :$ Ali
  20. Hi Does anybody have the correct sized designs/ templates of the stickers on the Zoo Pibull 05, as im looking to get some different coloured ones produced? Any help in geeting these templates will be much appreciated, Cheers Ali C
  21. Cheers for the replies ^_^ Does anyone else have any views on how the 05 Pitbull rides? Much appreciated, Ali C :)
  22. I am considering getting a 05 Zoo pitbull 1090. I was wondering what people's experiences are with the pitbull and if any have snapped around the brake mount or anywhere else? Thanks, Ali
  23. Immense vid Cap, your vids keep getting better and better :P Loving the bail on the roof to rail gap :- Cheers Ali
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