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b'mouth trials

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Everything posted by b'mouth trials

  1. Ah man i spend hours thinking about dreams and what they mean or what they could mean. I have some reeeaaally weird ones, but they vary alot too, i very rarely have the same dream twice which is strange because a few of my friend have repeating dreams which i think could mean something whether its something in the future or not i dont know. I get the dreams that make you wake up to, i wake up with a really big twitch but these are really weird, because im not asleep or awake..im sort of in between. This is the only dream if u can call it that that i have which repeats. Im riding a downhill course on a downhill bike and i can just see through my goggles, then i hit a tree really hard and i wake up suddenly, its a really weird feeling. I think there is sooo much we still dont know about the brain, i think its got so much more potencial than we think. Crazy stuff... Good thread, i't's nice to see other peoples experiances. Aaron.
  2. Ha ha, i remember dan snapping a pair of fattys in bmouth...actually i think they were already snapped, it was just the headlock holding them together and then that snapped lwhile doing a huuuge sidehop lol. Crazy man..
  3. , he annoys me so much. He asked me what bike i rode, i replied revell, he tried buying it, then tried buying my forks, then my bars, then he tried selling me a revell! Even though he knew i already have one . Fool..
  4. Ive got a peaguot jet force 50 and it's really good. Alu "proper bike" style frame, front and rear disks, handles amazingly. Fast too, considering its only a 50cc, i can keep up with most 125 mopeds and things, its nice. Looks great too! Aaron.
  5. man you bike looks so good, just makes me want to ditch the long stem and wide bars and get a leeson with some double walls or something, very tempting nice pics! well done.
  6. Sorry if im kinda "stealing" the thread but can anyone tell me why the scroll bit on my keyboard doesn't work with firefox? I mean the bit on the right of the toachpad, with a mouse its usually a little ball in the middle.. Any help would be great. Aaron.
  7. Aaron Jeneson Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 3JB 07843480766 Good luck with it all mate
  8. I went tonight! Was sooo good, the speed they carry though that section was crazy! Them MK1 and 2 escorts are sooo nice, go like shite off a plastic shovel aswell. Saw a couple of close calls at the corner i was on, was great. Was well worth the watching in the freezing bloody cold! Aaron.
  9. Yea theres obviously the NBR lot which are mainly based in poole and theres me, steve, sean and nick who are mainly based in bournemouth but we do go to poole quite often aswell, tis just a bit of a pain getting there. Aaron.
  10. Looks nice! Haha, sorry, attempting to save the thread. Ill post a pic up of mine sometime soon, isnt very nice but hey, gets me by. Aaron
  11. b'mouth trials


    Hats off to you dude, the editing was amazing!! It just all went together perfectly, music, riding, everything. Was fantastic, well done. Aaron.
  12. My chemical romance... Girls aloud , some of there songs are just fun to dance around to . Owell, Aaron.
  13. So there not really worth getting? I run el gatos at the moment so if they are better than them that would be cool... Sorry for hi-jacking post. Aaron.
  14. Yea, Happy new year guys and girls!!! hope you all recover from your hangovers soon! lol. Aaron.
  15. So you can, I'm in need of a new pair of tyres aswell. Are the 20 quid pair the right sort of ones? Because i know you can get single ply and super tacky and all this other stuff i dont understand. Will these ones be ok??? Cheeeeeeeeeers.
  16. the getaway plan - funeral for a friend
  17. Cummon guys, its not guna feel like xmas if everyones in a bad mood!! Cheer up, could be worse. Merry christmas, have a good one . Aaron.
  18. FLIPPIN HECK, your a bit good lol. Whole video was awesome, editing, music, RIDING!! Hats off to you dude, that takes some balls.. Aaron.
  19. Cheers Ali, keep me informed on what the ashtons like compared to the echo Cheers dude.
  20. Hey guys, sorry to sorta highjack the topic but this doesnt really deserve a new one. I was planning on getting the new ashton but after reading this i could consider getting one of these instead. I know not many people have ridden the new ashton yet as they arn't really that common but can anybody give me some opinions on which would be better? The only reason i can think of why i wouldnt want a control is that they are quite common?? Any advise would be great. Cheers, Aaron.
  21. Do it, it will feel sooo much nicer. I run zoo bars and an 110mm echo stem on mine and i love it to bits. Love them!
  22. Nooooo!! All of you are crazy lol. Leonardo was clearly the best, he was the leader and he had swords, noting beats that! Thanks for all the replys, looks like ive lost though lol. Cheers, Aaron.
  23. Raphael (red) Leonardo (light blue) Michaelangelo (orange) Donatello (dark blue) This is just to prove something to a mate lol. Cheers!
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