Ah man i spend hours thinking about dreams and what they mean or what they could mean. I have some reeeaaally weird ones, but they vary alot too, i very rarely have the same dream twice which is strange because a few of my friend have repeating dreams which i think could mean something whether its something in the future or not i dont know. I get the dreams that make you wake up to, i wake up with a really big twitch but these are really weird, because im not asleep or awake..im sort of in between. This is the only dream if u can call it that that i have which repeats. Im riding a downhill course on a downhill bike and i can just see through my goggles, then i hit a tree really hard and i wake up suddenly, its a really weird feeling. I think there is sooo much we still dont know about the brain, i think its got so much more potencial than we think. Crazy stuff... Good thread, i't's nice to see other peoples experiances. Aaron.