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b'mouth trials

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Everything posted by b'mouth trials

  1. Hmmmm, the 26" looks pretty dam nice! I need something around 1050/1060ish, might think of getting one when they are released if the price is right :shifty:" Aaron.
  2. Nice one jim! Happy birthday! :shifty: Good to hear you did well in your first lesson, keep it up! Aaron.
  3. Well done mate, I didnt download the vid but 7ft 4 is pretty good! Aaron.
  4. girls kissing is very sexy!! :- Like everyone else said though, its only nice if they are hot!!! Loving some of the descriptions my james and monkeyman by the way lol. Aaron.
  5. I have a green one! Rides really nice, very flickable, mine doesnt stay on the back wheel as easily as say a control or a pitbull but that might just be my set up. Ive set it up pretty streety with riser bars and a short stem and I really like it. There are a few pics of it in my gallery thingy anf one in my signiture if you want a look, looks cool in my opinion but meh. Hope i helped! Aaron :mellow: .
  6. Ok, thanks for all the help so far guys :( . I think it's come down to two frames, The 1080 echo control or a t-rex, at the moment I'm pushing towards the echo. Can someone who has or had one tell me a little about how they ride? How they up and gap and stuff. And another thing, I'm about 5ft 8ish, do you think a 1080 will be too long for me? Thanks alot, Aaron.
  7. I know this has probably been posted before and sorry if it has but my search thingy keeps coming up with errors :deej: Anyway, I have got a revell 26" at the moment which I class as quite short, I think it's 1030ish. I had a go on a mates echo control which he said is 1100 and it felt sooooo nice to gap and do everything on, it was easier on the back wheel than it was on two (Y). This got me thinking, should I go for a longer bike, they feel so much better than my bike on the back wheel. So, my question is, What are the ups and downs of a long bike at about 1060ish I guess. E.g. Is it easier to up things on? Easier to static and rolling gap?. Easier to sidehop? that kinda stuff. Also, I was looking at the BT 5.o and maybe a Vario styx because the shop I work at deals with vario, can anyone suggest anything else? By the way, I'm about 5ft 8ish if thats any help on wheelbases and stuff :P Thanks, Aaron.
  8. b'mouth trials


    Mostly metal, like killswitch engage and trivium, but really like billy talent aswell, they are cool! Interpol billy talent the killers killswitch Its what I like so meh. Aaron.
  9. Sorry about this, I'm very bored :S" . Was just making some stupid funny little models out of the blue tack on my desk and wondered what all you guys and girls could come up with. :D Post pics of what you have and try to make them as funny as poss. Very random topic but meh. :mellow: GO! Aaron. P.s. I will post mine when my webcam decides to work.
  10. Cesar Canas (sp) was bloody amazing on that thing! :S Still sidehopped waaaay higher than I can even though he was on that! Not fair :mellow: Aaron.
  11. I love rob P's pics and the ones of Nick and john shrewsbury are fantastic. :lol: B) :P I really should start taking more pictures, meh. Aaron. P.s. all the pics are good!
  12. very good idea mate! I'd buy a couple for sure! I really want a t-shirt but have no money :lol: Aaron.
  13. ARGH, I hate it when neighbours park in our spaces, p*sses me off sooo much, why cant they park their cars next to THEIR house !?!?!?! And they drive a huuuge camper van (Y) Owell, end of my angry moment. Aaron.
  14. R.I.P dude, you will never be forgotten! (Y) :P
  15. Yea, I really hate it when I get into the what if I had said this and what if I had done that, it absoloutly (sp) kills me, but then I just think.....there's bugger all I can do to change it so why dwell on it? (N) Sometimes I just think about how amazing everything is, e.g. how the brain works, I mean its amazing! Oh dear, im getting carried away again :"> Better stop. Aaron.
  16. just to be REALLY cheeky, could someone make one with an a in it by any chance? Would be hugely appreciated (sp) :) . Cheers (N) Aaron.
  17. El Gato ??? I'm running a 2.25 and it seems fine :S . Might not be too good against pinches at low pressures but meh, just another option. Aaron.
  18. I used to run gears but switched to single speed when I changed my bike. I prefer it alot more, not so much stuff on the bars, no cables running everywhere and tidier (Y) Go single speed IMO, hope I helped, Aaron.
  19. 24/7 bicycles do some pretty funny stuff, frame called a porn king and their seat clamp is called a c*ck ring, im sure they used to do a seatpost with a dodgy name aswell but cant remember it ;). I thought they were pretty funny (Y) :)" Aaron.
  20. I run xt arms normal cable xtr lever and just the pads which came with the arms. Lock up isnt too good but it holds okish, im waiting untill I wear out my current pads then ill get some plazmatics (Y) . Aaron.
  21. yea nice mate, I love the look of the dee-lux's! I Prefere the ride of the normal coiler for some strange reason but that looks awesome! Bring on the stab supreme! ;) Aaron.
  22. Beautiful set of pics you have there dave! The photographer nearly got killed on that shot of john doing the gap to manuel, had to move out of the way pretty sharpish :) . Was a good ride, some radiculous (sp) stuff going down as usual. Nice, Aaron. :-
  23. i worked it out as £1774, but i've probably forgotten aload of stuff so thats the minimum (sp) (Y) (Y) (Y) Aaron.
  24. what do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear ! :D :D :-
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