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b'mouth trials

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About b'mouth trials

  • Birthday 12/09/1989

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  • Real Name
    Aaron jeneson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Monty 221Ti, koxx rear wheel, onza front wheel, monty forks bars and stem, try all freewheel, monty cranks, front hope trial, rear hs33.

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  • Interests
    TRIALS !!!<br /><br />Moto gp, photography, art, product design, food.
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. RIP Condolences to his family, cant imagine what they are going through..
  2. Yea you guessed it! Whats the riding like around here then?
  3. After a while out ive just picked up a new bike! Ive just started studying in weybridge and know nothing about the riding scene here so was wondering whether there are any riders in or close to weybridge who would be up for riding? Cheers, Aaron.
  4. hi this iz josh im very interested in your bike and i can buy it of u baybe this week phone me on 07519974511

  5. soz m8 i ment to put that i was interested in the hole monty 221 pr bike and would giv you 400 for it.

  6. ite m8 soz i cnt post a comment but me computer doesnt let me. i am 100% interested in that monty 221 pr frame and would giv you 400 pound for it. giv me a call wen you read this message.my number is 07591341149

  7. b'mouth trials


    Been away from the forum for a while, cant believe what i am reading, such talent and this happens, its crazy. RIP, my thoughts go out to his friends and family.
  8. b'mouth trials


    Cant believe what im reading. RIP dude, seemed such a good guy. Thoughts to him, friends and family.
  9. Seemed like a top bloke, really did. Regards to family, cant begin to imagine what they are going through. Aaron.
  10. Its a gay mans bike trying too hard to be street nick!!! Just buy my bmx and cut the crap. Naa mate, looks good. Good call on getting something different, muchos respectos. Laters.
  11. Ahhhh was freekin insane!!! All the bands were so good! Who was bin banging on final night? Was such a laugh shouting at the security guards, they shit it good n propper. Plenty of drink, good banks, explosions and moshing....best weekend ever.
  12. I would just get a new head unit but its an old mini cooper and i want to keep it in original condition and i havnt really got 70 quid to spend on it if i can do it for like 15.. Anyone recommend certain ones? Was reading the reviews and some people said the ones with the charger and holder are shite? Cheers, Aaron
  13. Hey people, just got an ipod for my car ad its only got a tape player and ive heard you can buy something that lets you tune your ipod into the radio so you dont have to use one of those crappy tapes with a wire coming out of it. Only thing is, i cant find them on the net, anyone know where to get them and how much? Also, are they any good? Cheers, aaron.
  14. Apparently they hurt like hell on your belly? Anyone back this up???
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