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About picki

  • Birthday 12/24/1983

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  • Quick Spec
    old skool monty x-lite, echo pure fork, maggie on back, koxx front on a goldtech pro trials, koxx on a mono, a mono mini, burns and a fanny pad

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  • Location
    Costa' Del Mansfield

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. picki

    Pad Isues

    ive had plazzies, they were pretty damn good. are these coust ones any better>?
  2. picki


    i loved my monty caged things....yes they are a bit flimsey, but you get a much better feel.
  3. picki

    Pad Isues

    i know about all the old stuff that was about...just all the new stuff thats going round. and i dont spose anyones invented some thinner maggy fluid have they? and no i dont want to use water. any one got any more info on these joypads? the rims a skanky koxx rim....so anything that will work with that. cheers lads Jewish
  4. picki

    Pad Isues

    I know everyone gets pi$$ed off with pad reviews and folks asking what the best pads.... Ive been out of the riding scene for what seems like yonks since june 2005 due to a screwed ankle. The ankles much better but the bike needs some pads.... Questions question..... 1: what pads are avaliable- the last ones to come out were heatsink white/clear things. 2: how much has the whole pad wars progressed? do we still have super sticky pads that wear out faster richard hammonds blow out? 3: Whats gonna suite me best. IE: super sticky/ dont wear out all tht fast/ ickle bit of modulation/ and not squishy (PLEASE NOTE: Can we not have daft answers like ''i think plazzies are best because they squeak loud'' ) some intelegent answers would be nice Well anyways, Hellooooo people again!
  5. www.clubpolo.co.uk just bought a mk4 and coilies...need rimmage!
  6. liike some other dude said, theres always gonna be some arsehole out there thats gonna not be your biggest fan....some people will probly treat you differently. but aslong as your happy, does it really matter what other people think....
  7. depends what hose you have...magura hose (plastic) has a larger internal bore than the magura braided i think, and the hope and goodridge have a smaller bore than that. the goodride and hope hose dont come with the bridge hose, or the connectors to make one out of spare hose. however............ with a few spare bits its easy done. i had the goodridge hose and origionally bled it with maggy fluid. This left the pad return real slow, so out came the royal blood, and in went some weird lightweight shit i found on the net (just super lightweight mineral oil) and it worked fine!
  8. picki

    Bike schtuff

  9. picki

    Picture War

    however she accidentally missed a bit, and she too caught on fire
  10. friggin hell gaz! your ridings got real good...you keep improving all the time! picki
  11. picki


    make a soup off the top of your noggin....not that difficult...just be creative. cook some turnip, spuds, celery. plonk in one of those vegi stock cubes and leave it for a while. add some salt and pepper to taske cram it all in a blender...give it a vew mins to get mushed up and hey presto... soup (Y)
  12. picki

    First Cars

    R reg Mk4 Polo 1.6 CL for £1500...75000 miles, smelled like a ganga plantation, but other than that its sound (Y)) all good (Y))
  13. the goodridge braided hose kit DOES NOT come with a corssover, however, you have loads of hose left to make one yourself. i had to make one...if you want a pic let me know. as for the hose itself: the goodridge/unex/hope stuff (all made by the same company i thinks) has a smaller bore diameter, and with the full system (inc. crossover) can cause the pistons to return more slowly wehn bled with normal maggy fluid. ive now bled mine with WD40, and its soo much better. not sure about the maggy braided hose...im sure that comes with the crossover..not 100% though! cheers
  14. stop being a big girl and get on witt it... or buy some mittens or softer grips
  15. mono trial if you can spend a bit (£110) avid if your a bit cheap
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