What a complete surprise, Mark W wades into a discussion insinuating that one of the local lads is a liar. Its fact what was said about Andy's freewheel!
Awaits comments from Ali C, and rebuke from moderators for daring to cross the popular forum users.
im sorry but this is just ridiculous, if your not landing on it because you havent got the bash plate on, you havent got the applied force on the underside of the downtube. how have you created a stress point?
How could it possibly create a stress point if you're not applying a force to it. If u just didn't put a bash plate on it would be no worse than if you ground it off. It just won't be as aesthetically pleasing.
I'm not to sure about this idea of younger riders being arrogant and rude all of a sudden either. Kids will always be like that. I find my self increasingly less tolerant of others on here and in person. There's only so much idiocy you can suffer silently. And after 15 years, security guards and samaritans in the street taking issue with me and the bike get short shrift aswell!
As a rough example I once encountered somebody telling others about frame material characteristics and properties, swearing that alloy frames provide a flexy, springy ride as it bends easily. And steel gives a rigid stiff ride due to it's strength. Nonsense, yet there it was, advice to everybody. That's just AN example, don't want to start something again lol.
Agree with andee strangely. I have encountered a few on rides who could barely make eye contact with riders they hadn't met before. Only to find them berating and slagging people behind their backs on this forum. They know who they are.
It's also very easy to get into arguments, there's lots of nonsense ideas thrown about by people, who then refuse to acknowledge the error of their ideas.
Fear of injury, I broke my scephoid and had to have 9 weeks off sick. Statutory sick pay doesn't pay the bills. I'm 26 and just can't risk trying anything like I did when I was 14.
@ trialsbeginner, I hope ur not a welder with that analysis. lol
Mig sucks, no skill required, Tig is the most rewarding and the most versatile and really the best one to learn.
Using water is about the most pointless act ever, if ur brake normally requires mineral oil, go get some cooking oil, or crisp n' dry or the likes, just as good, but u won't have heat, or freezing issues. Its,about 99p for a litre, cheap as.