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Everything posted by Biff

  1. stop arguing like little girls, contradiction there Aust froma previous post ^_^
  2. Biff

    Cls's Wheels

    I do know him, hes sprayed them, and its a front on front and a rear on rear ^_^
  3. Biff

    Cls's Wheels

    The minute you true that wheel your gonna get the biggest eggy ever, unless you really know what your doing,
  4. Biff

    Cls's Wheels

    Yes he has 4 spair holes, he also built my profile onto an echo rim 32h, echo CNC dont come in 36h you see, so it was a bodge job and has a flat spot. before you ask yes hes sprayed his rims black, Biff (close topic) ^_^
  5. I saw monster, was terrible ! had big teeth and was chasing me ! ! !
  6. Good riding going down Biff (Y)
  7. Biff

    Lend Us 20p

    im Insane (Y) Did you not know
  8. Biff

    Biff Vid 4 Sneek Clip

    *sigh* ironic how everyone has done the gap!, I ahve posted better things, such as that picture from garage to memorial, you will see that in my vid, i just wanted to show people what i been up to whilst filming thats all!
  9. Biff

    Biff Vid 4 Sneek Clip

    No just dont want to give many clips away, and by saying i have done that gap easily is making out that your trying to tell everyone how FAR YOU can gap :-
  10. Biff

    Biff Vid 4 Sneek Clip

    I really cannot get a better angle than that! unless i do a bodge job, the gap is bigger than what it looks as you can see its tilted at angle so its not directly parallel with the gap itself
  11. I didn't want to give to many clips away from my vid, this is just a minor clip that i just took out of the video (Biff vid 4) The gaps 7 ft 4 inches :- http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/7_4inches_.wmv Enjoy Biff :lol:
  12. "I've jacked off until i bleed! SO WHAT SO WHAT you boring little c**ts" :( WOW! Biff P.S. good trailor despite OT PI being so sketchy on those MASSIVE drops!
  13. What you on about yer scrat end, innit liiiiiiiiiikkkkee, gimme 20 pence dickard! (N) (Y) :D BIFFY WIFFY DIFFY A SPIFFY !
  14. Just picked up the bike and they was snapped! Thats crap :turned:
  15. I dont cry wen watchin craig, why cry, instead of making this post! you should have gone out riding or made an effort to become the person you want to be! Craigs my mate but i dont see point in people highly respecting someone who has more expirience than somebody else, get out there and make it! Biff
  16. people only set brakes up well I'd say for a nice feel to the brake. If it feels crap it works very well :)
  17. After previously watchin koxx videos and vincent hermance only videos, i couldn't help notice how well his brake locked on yet the brake has no squeek! I know not all brakes have to have a squeek with a grind and so on.... but koxx pads dont tend to lock on at all that well from past expirience. I know that theres a way of angling the pad so it bites on corners of gaps etc, and the brake has a swoosh sound to it, could vincent have set his pads up like this? its just a curiosity i would not like to go into debate about it! If im mistaken just say, but i've always wondered how his brake locks so f**king well :P :) Biff
  18. Biff


    Vincent is a powerful rider, none the less after 4 or 5 years we all develop power in our riding :) Will edit when downloaded! R.I.P other vids! no sound so i invented my own music to go with the video (Y) Biff
  19. its been a long time since I saw Alex Richardson in a vid! Biff (Y)
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