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Everything posted by Biff

  1. Biff


    This Game makes me even more bored than when i first started out, if you wanna have fun get 24 crate Fosters and some hot chicks :) Biff
  2. Biff

    Shit Day

    Laugh Out Loud...................... :)
  3. Vain Boil Twat Skin ass hair Cut Weak Cant never Crap there mine i generally like all vocabularly :P Biff (Y)
  5. Biff

    Shit Day

    having a good day, not a shit one (Y)
  6. Biff

    "elite" Video

    f**k thats a good video ! interesting locations and angles aswell make it nice to watch! Loved it :P Biff (Y)
  7. Nice one Carl! thought ud be there :blink:
  8. OK just want a list of names of the people that can deffinetly make it to Shipley this weekend. Biff Corish Scotty (maybe) :blink:
  9. Biff

    Shit Day

    i aint gonna post no more
  10. Biff

    Shit Day

    But i saw it on a poster :blink: its so COOL! sorry, ok enough of this arguing!!!!!! im going to rephrane from posting to something being said about me! (negative)
  11. Biff

    Shit Day

    What???? thats not being big headed and it doesnt make me a complete wanker! now have a nice cup of shut the F*ck up, 2 sugars???? If your going to say im a complete wanker for releasing a clip then..........
  12. Biff

    Shit Day

    how do you know im big headed!
  13. Biff

    Shit Day

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go tell mummy i swore and tell the world that i sent you a PM saying "Twat" i dont think I'll be distrespected by anyone!
  14. Biff

    Shit Day

    get a bike instead of building computers and typing on a forum (Y)
  15. Biff

    Shit Day

    yes Im a gay boy and i fancy you! i just love sweaty fat boys like yourself !
  16. Biff

    Shit Day

    You Dont know me, your life evolves around this Forum, which happends to have been taken over by girls who think its there place to Gossip and take piss!
  17. Biff

    New Vid

    Johan 1stly natural!!!!!!! best natty i ever seen, nicely done and well edited. Your Sidehops are getting good arnt they! ! ! Ha what gaps you doing now :P looking big Have to come down Sweden! C you around Biff! :D
  18. This thread isn't annoying, its mearly intersting, its better than some of the shit thats posted on this forum!!!!! I've seen this shit far to long and the same stuff is said oh my god LIKE NO WAY BAN HIM MAN! oh my god i just totally cant believe that shit was said on my FORUM (Y) Just ignore it the more the longer it will stay on this thread B) Biff :lol:
  19. Biff

    A Little Vid

    good vid, :lol: ! good riding :-
  20. Oh no go tell mummy kins i have posted something that offends you, YOu are not a MOD so be quiet, if you behave I'll give you a strawberry
  21. theres more dangerous things out there than Terrorists :lol: and guns.......................................ME :-
  22. Would anybody happen to know the song from the Fast and the Furious when the Swat team break into Johnny Trans house (japanese bad guy) its pretty hevay metal, but i cant find it anywhere, please help :lol: Biff!
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