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Everything posted by Biff

  1. Its really hard to respect someone elses Pain! I Cant imagine the fear of that America Footballer who landed on his head and bent his neck, i would have thougt i was paralized!!!!!!! :( :) :) F**k thats scary Biff
  2. No but could buy FIRE POWER :( 1 gun 10k of bullets 1 worker :) no need to petition
  3. 1025 people veiwed! if only there was £10 pledged for every person who veiwed the video ! :(
  4. Im not normally this soft on things i see, but this video really opened my eyes to the sick twisted worlds of bottom down Fur trades! Has anybody pledged money on the site? or have you shown anybody else the link perhaps they could help out aswell? incase you didnt see the other thread heres the link to the video http://www.peta2.com/takecharge/t-wetseal.asp Thanks Biff
  5. We need more people to do this! theres plenty of animal cruelty going off in the world! i dont see the point in it either! If the animal were all shot i think there would be less people posting up in this thread! it would be seen as less shocking
  6. No i did not mean it in that way, its wrong and i was upset and angry just as you are yesterday! if your that upset make a petition !
  7. There doing it for the camera! i very much doubt they do it like that when the camera is not there!
  8. If you mean compete with each other, its because Yao Zhi has left and Shiming to make there own company of trials bike :P
  9. there bred for this type of cruelty, if they was Shot humanly then they would "damage" the fur, its the life cycle. But i very much doubt they do that kind of act when the camera is not there! Im feeling abit better now! had sleep (Y)
  10. I f**king hate Islamic twats like that, "because camera filming us we make it worse and change our methods of killing animal" i bet they dont skin the animal alive when there int a camera there! only doing it for film! They are T W A T S and that really was an eye opener! can u tell :- please delete the video link its not nice! ! A disgrunteled Biff! ^_^ P.S. if they did have a gun they would do more damage throwing the chuffing thing! they dont know how to handle such fire power :'(
  11. http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...adine+stanforth get down you clown
  12. I would have though bad parts would be melted down and made into new ones? they did that at the Planet X factory! When my mate Rick used to work there, Biff and V!Z copy zoo abit dont they :-" i noticed that with Bars, Viz written same place as Zoo. Dengs a clever guy though Dan, no need to mock because you distribute V!Z stuff
  13. Me and Corish may be going up tommorow! please somebody turn the F*ck up! BIff
  14. RIGHT..............YOur grind is Obviously too harsh and your pads arnt griping because when Friction is applied the pads wear down! if you was to do a lighter grind the friction would be balanced and your pads would not wear down on the harsh GRIND! i had same Problem, regrind it lighter Biff
  15. im making his internal organs ;)
  16. BEST f**kin Video i have ever seen! I cant believe how good that was! i was upset when it even ended :D i couldnt see or pick out 1 single fault in that entire video ! Amazing! (an amazed) Biff ;)
  17. "That dicks massive" im hiding
  18. DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWERRRRRRRRRRR! Biffy wiffy ;)
  19. You film it ?...............................joke, stupid quotes get stupid replies :)
  20. Post what you've achieved on todays ride or what you wish to accomplish lets say tommorow :) Tapped a Green metal Box(pretty big), big drop gap over a rail which was good :P
  21. Now get the pads off the back, grind your rear Rim and put some PLazmatic pads on :) !
  22. Biff

    Hermance In Usa

    Fish eye lense needed id say for certain angles/clips in the video, in all though top notch video :) some of those lines are well big :P !!!!!! another Vincent vid added to the collection Biff
  23. Better not Spray it :)
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