Ok enough of the bitching ladies (Y)" the frame weighs 5 lbs with the bash so i'm not sure how much it os without te bash, just minus the weight of a bash from the frame if u wanna go ultra weight-weenie, and t-rexs weigh nothing like 7 lbs >_<
Heya mate before i my local bike shop had a 36 hole d521 i asked this exact question and got these results <<LINK>>
Hope that helps but some mixed views on it there (Y)
Can't really say anything about they editing but i didnt think it was that bad but haven't ever edited a video so i don't know how easy or hard it is but the riding is top-notch (Y) (Y)
I think it depends on personal preference but i would say i prefered riding the Toxsin i rode in Portsmouth to Pitbulls.. but if i was going to get one of the 2 frames i would definetly get a Pitbull as it comes in a shorter option which is 1065 and is what i would get and they look so nice around the Seat-tube (Y) both lovely frames.
When my parents and me and my brother went there i didnt ride but as i was walking around some parts looked pritty good and it is a big town so should be alotta stuff there (Y)