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Everything posted by Blackghostknife

  1. If i was you i would get a longer one but you haven't put how tall you are or anything like that and your spelling is awful!!
  2. Ok enough of the bitching ladies (Y)" the frame weighs 5 lbs with the bash so i'm not sure how much it os without te bash, just minus the weight of a bash from the frame if u wanna go ultra weight-weenie, and t-rexs weigh nothing like 7 lbs >_<
  3. I voted stod cause it sounds better but it's not concidered to be real trials.
  4. Thats well * blinging * :D" but it does look well nice in my opinion (Y)
  5. Sweet Nick.. whats the new bike mate (Y)
  6. Nuh uh... it doesnt work with 53!
  7. Whow that is one BIG step up from engage 7 and that was amazing aswell.. pure skill is what you have :blink:
  8. oh my god pause it as his face acually hit's the wall and its straight on his nose :closedeyes: thats pritty damb nasty :angry:"
  9. Whow some really nice pics there and loving the frame :closedeyes:
  10. :closedeyes: haha there bars are so thin but it's not surprising, some of the spaces they squeeze through :angry:
  11. Haha thats damb funny but gets abit repetitive :(
  12. Heya mate before i my local bike shop had a 36 hole d521 i asked this exact question and got these results <<LINK>> Hope that helps but some mixed views on it there (Y)
  13. Can't really say anything about they editing but i didnt think it was that bad but haven't ever edited a video so i don't know how easy or hard it is but the riding is top-notch (Y) (Y)
  14. WHOW andyroo thats is very very kewl.. if anyone wants there councel to make a trials park i think you should give them that design (Y)
  15. I think it depends on personal preference but i would say i prefered riding the Toxsin i rode in Portsmouth to Pitbulls.. but if i was going to get one of the 2 frames i would definetly get a Pitbull as it comes in a shorter option which is 1065 and is what i would get and they look so nice around the Seat-tube (Y) both lovely frames.
  16. If they ride anything like as nice as the stocks then they are very nice!
  17. Yeah but back to the one on the Zoo she is hoTT!! (Y)"
  18. Haha funny sarcasm dave but abit harsh on him if he didn't realise you where been saracstic (Y)
  19. When my parents and me and my brother went there i didnt ride but as i was walking around some parts looked pritty good and it is a big town so should be alotta stuff there (Y)
  20. I think its a nice car and nice colour.. but i like gold parts on my bike so meh (Y)
  21. Alittle bit modest are we... amazing sidehop (Y)
  22. Blackghostknife

    Zoo! Vids

    I have the ben trinder one.. i can msn it to you if you want.. if you want me to then my email is blackghostknife@hotmail.com (Y) hope i can help
  23. HAHA he says it had been used 'about two times' if you had only rode a bike twice i think you would say two times... not ABOUT 2 times... (Y)"
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