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Everything posted by Blackghostknife

  1. Old news but yeah they are horrible.. Click THIS LINK and it shows they are all connected :)
  2. Yeah new hub has 72 engagment points and aparently is really strong if you read up about it on the site (Y)
  3. Yeah mine is f**ked to and so is my msn :(
  4. Oh right Yay will almost certainly come just to see the riding :)
  5. Yeah my Coustellier pads are 'good' :)" ish in wet weather keep locked MOST of the time but occasionally slip through but rarely :)
  6. 7.78Gb about 14 hours worth of trials vids :D (Y)
  7. Haha i remember you from that massive london ride and all of your crazy story from russia.. sounds abit dodgy for my liking :D lol from the storys!! i was the shortish one on the planet x in jamaican colours (Y)
  8. Haha i wonder how many people are there :-
  9. Shit unlucky about the shot mate (N) what a dick would do that, yeah some little kid tryed setting his dog on me yesturday when i was down my local skatepark and the kid musta been about 10 nd his dog was about a ft tall :-" w**ker. whats the world coming to if they are that bad before they have even turned into a teenager then what are they gunna b like when there older :-
  10. Haha Too right would i buy it for 3 pound (Y) EDIT: but im only 16 unless age thing was a joke!
  11. Hey i am most probably coming now as i had a 16 hour sleep nd feel alot better.. cant get on msn so joe if u read this what time u getting train? u kno if anyone else is coming?? :- cheers
  12. Not sure if im gunna g0 now, i got a cold and i feel like sh!t and didn't get any sleep last night >_<
  13. Hey its an alright site and you have probably put a fair bit of effort in but Simon made some very good points (Y)
  14. I think Tic is from salisbury (Y) rides a 20" megamo radical (Y)
  15. It's prittty damb f**ked up (Y) :- :) (Y) :)
  16. You missed one of the La's steve (Y)"
  17. Yo i have number 6 if you want it then just add me to msn blackghostknife@hotmail.com Can't be bothered with all this uploading bull$hit (Y)
  18. My Zebdi weighs in at 24.1 lbs. quite light me thinks :blink:
  19. 22 (front) 18 (rear) what most the people who have 22 on front in woking ride with.. seems like a really nice gear :)
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