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About Blackghostknife

  • Birthday 07/26/1989

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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Ian Covey
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Planet x zebdi in jamaican,black pashley forks,hs33s with gold levers,xt rear mech,middleburn super pro trials with black arms.

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Trials biking to the full
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. I turned up aswell ! but thought f**k it after 2 hoours was 2 cold :angry: sorry.. when its hotter is alot better.
  2. The place to meet is at the station entrance on the platform 1 side :)
  3. Joe just come to my house, my rents have loads of it for the cars :blink:
  4. Are we meeting at the train station and if so then what time ? :S
  5. It may be cheating but half the other bands have probably done the same!
  6. Yeh im probz going to be riding woking now due to no money for transport/food and theres a ride going on there on sunday.
  7. I live there so i will definetly be out, there is quite alot to ride there :(
  8. Hey Matt haven't ridden London in ages so yeah i should be up for it (Y) just gotta fix my puncture first i looked at my tyre and i have a pin-board style pin in it haha oh well haope to see you there (Y) Ian
  9. I'm going monday. Brixton cant wait (Y)
  10. No the 05 pitbull does NOT they are basically under the tube with a tiny bit poking out
  11. Anyone going to a taste of chaos on 14th november in brixton ? just wondering or any other days (Y)
  12. It's £285 like the rest now.. maybe they forgot :D
  13. Hi i am going to see some bands at The mean fiddler-London and Carling academy-bristol-london I was just wondering if those areas are alright at night (Y)
  14. Great music Great riding Editing wasn't great but i wouldn't be able to do as well so meh (Y)
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