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javimic last won the day on December 12 2024

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    Fourplay Team 2020 - Hex Pro 2024
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  1. Hi, Remember that we are talking about fine tuning. That being said, I have been checking the hubs and tips but I can only notice the difference when riding, that the ride feel is better for precision with the Hope Pro 5. Sorry guys, an expert could give us a technical report. Surely La Bourde or Adam R could do it if you two had the hub on your bikes. Also it has to be said that the system on the Spank Hex Drive seems looser than on the Pro 5, the Hope Pro 5 is on my 2020 Fourplay Team with the old tensioner. I don’t know if this could be the reason but the chain is tighter on the Hope Pro 5 system. The Inspired Hex chain is new and it gave the length the Tartybikes workshop (so, ok). Please could any of you give me a tip to improve the tension of the system? thanks in advance, Javi
  2. Awesome as always. I'll check it out and come back. Many thanks, Adam
  3. The hub is new, bro, but I'll check it out this afternoon... 😉I hope the problem is not the hub...
  4. Thanks for your reply mate, there is a lot to learn about this. I will check if the system has any play that could influence the problem. Although the chain and tensioner are almost new, the ones that come with the Hex 2024, at first glance there could be something. Maybe not enough for a newbie like me to notice. On the other hand, the hub seems to be fine but I will take into account the answers from Daan and Basstrials. I will check it this weekend as well, since I have more time to dig deeper and enjoy some workshop time.
  5. As I recently turned 47, anything is possible! 🤪 However, the hub is working properly and it can be used for trials but the engagement is slower than the Hopes. Despite the 102 ep against the 88 ep of Pro4. Total darkness….
  6. For a MTB it would be perfect. For trials I'm not saying it's not good, I just like it less than the Hopes in this regard. But I have never tried an i9…. soon!
  7. Hi! After weeks of use, this is my personal opinion. This is not the best hub I have ever owned. This comparison also involves Hope Pro 4 and Hope Pro 5. Reasons to buy: Reasonable price (u$s 249.-), sturdy construction, no skips in 2 months of use and minimal drag. When you touch it you can notice the impressive construction, stronger than Hope. Before this Spank hub I had a bad experience with 2 Hope pro 4 hubs and 1 Pro 5. Lots of skips and finally total sadness. On the other hand, the Hope warranty is solid if you buy from a trusted store (Tartybikes). Reasons to avoid: It has a lot of play until the pawl engages with the ratchet, at least a lot more play than the Hope Pro 4 (88 engagements points WhatsApp Video 2024-12-10 at 7.17.46 PM.mp4 ) or the Hope Pro 5 hub (108ep). I'm uploading a video for you to see the play. Even I was using a Jitsie Freewheel 18t (108ep) and it was quicker to engage and transmit power in a pedal kick. Feel free to tell me if I'm exaggerating!
  8. Thanks mate, I really appreciate it. I was looking for less resistance and a better response. But it seems like we can't have it all. Now that you mentioned the Spank hub, I have one of them (waiting for a better rim). I wrote to Yoham to get his review and told him the same thing. The I9s are too much for my humble riding style. Maybe when I'm older (I'm 46 😁 ). 5AD3E505-BB9F-4E68-BA67-388967350438.mov
  9. Hi all again. Getting straight to the point, I just wanted to ask what would be the best freewheel option for the rear wheel (specifically for a Hex). After some issues with the Pro 4 (3) and Pro 5 (1), I'm using a Jitsie 108.9 ep (18t). So far I've had no issues, no skipping or anything. The downside seems to be the drag and the ride getting rougher... Would it be better to upgrade to a new 135.9 ep freewheel? Or does more ep mean more drag? Thanks in advance guys. PS: Has anyone tried the White Industries freewheel (72 ep)? Javi 👊
  10. Hello! Welcome to this journey! I have also read Julien Happich's book and I love it. Good opportunity to say that Julien did a solid job there. Now, the good thing is that the practice is mandatory since no one has gotten drunk to understand the meaning of the word wine, you have to drink it. I started the trials when I was 43, three years ago when I bought my Fourplay, best decision ever!
  11. It is done! It's nice to ride it now as I'm not only using the new chain but also the Pro 5 Hub. Thanks for your advice, Peter.
  12. OK! I have a new chain in stock… These days I will change it. Thanks La Bourde!
  13. Hello again everyone! This is to see if the chain stretch gauge is a good point to replace our chain speaking of snapings (not drivetrain wear). In my case, the chain in the pic is only 5 months old but the tool says it's time to change it. 😅 Thanks in advance guys Javi
  14. Hello Sam! What a bummer dude, speedy recovery! I started the trials journey at the age of 43 almost 3 years ago. I never worried about my age. I will be 46 yo next November. Baby steps is what I recommend because a micro victory it is a victory, but not what I actually do. 😂 Keep riding bro!
  15. Thank you all for the experiences and alternatives you gave me. I take note of many models. Unlike Ross I grip the handlebars in the middle of the grip and the double clamps don't bother me (by now). I read the article and it seemed contentious at first, but I'll give it a try if I ever use push grips again. Because I've suffered enough with some of them! 🍻
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