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Everything posted by Smo™

  1. Smo™

    My Trials Park

    I think he'd get the shit kicked into for riding on the silver Escort mate :S
  2. Smo™

    My Trials Park

    YOU b*****d. Lots of Love.
  3. That looks beautiful mate, I love the finish on the paint. Top stuff :(
  4. He's awesome. I wish there was somewhere like that I could practise. Is it owned by your local council or does the property belong to one of you guys and you've just collected tires/pallets? If it was council owned how did you go about getting it? I'd love to get one of those for the Island or the South of the UK. Thanks.
  5. Smo™

    Macromedia Flash

    Try doing a search for 'tutorials' or 'tutorial'. I've found some great ones on drawing, perspectives and the like.
  6. Smo™

    Macromedia Flash

    newgrounds.com The perfect site for inspiration, tutorials, exposure to an almost infinite number of styles etc.
  7. Smo™


    'Previal, I shall'.
  8. No offence to your mate, but those comics were appauling.
  9. Smo™

    Band Names

    Abyssus Diabolus Nex Poena Dolor Animus
  10. Sorry, couldn't resist lol. Ironic, too.
  11. You're a deeply disturbed individual.
  12. As said above, go for it. I switched from a Saracen M.A.D replica to my Pitbull (now with a 1102 wheelbase), the same day I got it I was backwheeling higher than before.
  13. Oh I think I remember, I think he was walking a Staffy.
  14. That sounds like the best way to go about it actually mate. Just explain about DJ and I'm hoping they'll not be complete pricks about it.
  15. I'm guessing Splash Point is where those big white walls are that arch round a corner just opposite some massive rocks on the beach?
  16. Smo™

    New Vid

    I'm liking the street, some nice moves in there :turned:
  17. Haha James, good effort mate. Was that the fault of famous last words?
  18. Nah they're Urbans, for some reason BikeDock were putting Zoo! stickers on them a while back. You know what I'm going to say about the Urbans. To sum it up... (Y)
  19. Nah it was just us guys, great ride in the end and we got some footage for the next Island Trials vid so we all had a good time. Cost £30 in total to get there and back, the train journey was an hour and a quarter from Portsmouth. Was your mate on his bike? We thought that we saw some Trialsers but they were in the distance and we couldn't tell.
  20. Just got back from riding there today with Tank and Phil, got some filming done too. Cool place to ride :turned:
  21. I should hope not, I'm quite fond of my arms and legs :) Good idea :)
  22. So they feed fertilizer to their animals?
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