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Everything posted by Smo™

  1. I can't believe some of you guys didn't laugh! Oh man I was in stitches. Fair do's though, depends on your sense of humour :)
  2. Oh well, I still pissed myself.
  3. http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=6/15811271453.jpg&s=x4 http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=6/15811281289.jpg&s=x4
  4. Yeah it's so funny, hours of fun there *burns clips to CD and carries them everywhere he goes and shows every living soul until the end of days*.
  5. Guys check out this website, it has various video footage of a guy with tourretes syndrome during everyday life: http://www.tourettesguy.com/videos.htm 'Pickles' is my personal favourite. Edit: Be sure to watch Interview Part 4, it's so funny I've been crying for the past 15 minutes.
  6. Regarding the movie DareDevil: Lol:
  7. I love that guy, been sending the odd email for the last couple of years. He's hilarious.
  8. Are you still in study leave? If so just come down durin the week :P
  9. I don't drink (unfortunately?) :P
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5586275802
  11. Smo™


    My riding jeans haven't been washed for weeks! :)
  12. You're looking very comfortable on the new frame, how are you finding it compared to your previous one? Still riding as smooth as always, really enjoyable to watch a rider who's so precise. Good stuff mate :rolleyes:
  13. f**kin awesome video, the riding was damn silly! Great stuff guys :rolleyes:
  14. You and your crazy experiments :rolleyes:
  15. Smo™

    Cracked Koxx

    I like your style :D [/gay]
  16. The advice I'd give is to get a longer bike, you're clearly all hunched up and that could hinder your progress later on when you try bigger things as your technique will be holding you back. For someone who's been riding 9 months you're doing really well though, so keep it up mate, good stuff :rolleyes:
  17. Smo™

    Heart Of Light

    Fair enough, I appreciate your honesty, but wouldn't it be just as 'lame' if I called it 'Firey Jobby'? That would be showing disrespect to my own work, and no artist does that (in a sense I do think of myself as an artist when I make things like this in Photoshop). There's no deep meaning either, if I were to over-analyse it with a deeper meaning it would've been some drivel about god or how we fight for the righteous blah blah blah. Can't be everyone's cup of tea, but thanks for voicing your opinion :D
  18. Audiovent - Looking Down
  19. Yeah just did. No worries, can always do it another time (except Mondays, Saturdays or Fridays because I work those days).
  20. Alright mate, sounds good, you can stay a couple of days if you want :lol: (now that's late notice) :-
  21. Smo™

    Heart Of Light

    Thanks for not only thinking about your arse, but being one. Not.
  22. Smo™

    Heart Of Light

    Cheers guys, I use Photoshop CS Dave (Y)
  23. Smo™

    Heart Of Light

    Cheers mate, I only used one effect in the entire thing, and that was the cloud render. The rest was built on with brushes.
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