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Everything posted by Smo™

  1. That'll teach him. If he wakes up.
  2. Imagine doing a belly flop onto some chop sticks *impale*. That's what your legs would do. Anyways, I'm well up for some base jumping. Least I better make sure it goes right or I just go splat and that's it.
  3. For your sake I hope you got a loose cornhole bud :ermm:
  4. I like the stem pillow :ermm:
  5. Older the honey, the sweeter the juice? Experience comes with age? Like a fine wine or cheese, mature is better? I could go on all day.
  6. Holy Christ. Can't imagine if he wasn't wearing his helmet. If not death, sure as hell vegitation.
  7. If you ask me, I'll pretty much guarantee you that any old woman I offered it to, would take it :(
  8. What do you call a black man that can fly a plane? A pilot, you racist.
  9. There's a sticky somewhere about video codec packs, give some of them a download and the videos should work fine :-
  10. Perfect solution lol, next time he throws it go stamp on it while repeating 'Take that you piece of shit! Stopping him making the gap are we? PIECE OF SHIT'. Then start tearing his maggie hosing out. I'm pretty sure he'll get the message. NB: Solution may result in a black eye and/or broken limbs.
  11. I think it's a bit of dumb question to be honest. I doubt many people on the forum are permanently in one mind set. For instance, I'm not Angry every day of my life, nor am I happy.
  12. Whenever they feel like. It's like saying 'When's the next major Earthquake?'
  13. No need to be a cock about it. If there are other riders where you are (which there must be, and I'm sure some of them can sidehop) then just get out with one of them and watch their technique. You've just got to keep practising.
  14. Smo™

    New Site

    Nice site, Sam Gough's pretty good.
  15. Well done mate, what an incredible feeling it must be to have that title to your name. 'World Champion', I can only imagine.
  16. The two would spin indefinately until the end of time, naturally. They could be used as a means of transportation, strapped to the base of a metro train for example.
  17. You're meant to use the others for inspiration, not rip them. Christ.
  18. I almost pissed myself when I saw this. Perhaps not every cat in the world has mastered the art of landing on their feet. http://www.fazed.org/video/view/?id=44
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