I've been sat in the same tent as people snorting Cocaine and I'll say this - they're friends of mine and I know they're not terrible people, they wouldn't be friends otherwise. I was politely offered it and politely refused, that being the end of it. There was no pressure but at the same time I was uneasy because I knew that they had a class A drug in a place where we could easily be found and I couldn't help but think that if they get caught I get f**ked too just for being there.
When somebody takes drugs it changes the way they think and the way they act - I've seen someone become reckless and end up harming themselves because they're influenced by the drug they are taking. It just takes one lapse of judgement for something to go wrong and when it does I don't want to be there - that's why I keep my distance and stay out of that part of their lives. I've every right to ensure my own safety, all I was suggesting is that you think ahead a little and be concerned of yours.