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Everything posted by Smo™

  1. He didn't misspell anything.
  2. Tank moved away from home and in with his lady friend when he was 18. Happily married 21 year old at present! His is a rare case though.
  3. Could be a firmware problem? The local phone shop could most likely flash it for you.
  4. Smo™


    Hell no, I managed to get the most awesome quote ever through moneysupermarket.com - currently paying £440 a year as a named driver with Norwich Union, as of the 16th I'll be insured for £385 fully comp in my own name with a years no claims after 10 months anda free hire car for 21 days should mine break down or be written off and a £35,000 injury payout. Nice.
  5. There's a couple bud, hope they help.
  6. Smo™

    Adam Spendlove

    That was a pretty good video, liked that
  7. http://www.adultsingles.com/browse/150586_Oxford_women.html
  8. They're both good, Trials is potentially less dangerous though! Don't particularly want to pick a favourite.
  9. Wouldn't happen to know the technique would you? For educational purposes.
  10. Nicely done mate, some great riding in there Must get yourself down Porstmouth/Southampton way sometime soon bud.
  11. Seeing as you reckon it was so much of a bargain... £400? No idea bud.
  12. Some awesome shots in there bud, good job
  13. Well I know you can buy the seats of passengers who've dropped out as late as the day of the flight but mostly you can do it the night before and have the tickets waiting for you at the checkin desk. You can take razors and shit but they can't be in your hand luggage. You could leave the country in a couple days with some briefcases, your passport and cash. I don't know the specifics though, sorry bud.
  14. I love my King - it's never once done me any harm. 2 years of trouble-free use with a beautiful noise to boot. I wouldn't have a problem with buying a Hope II if I was on a budget though. However if I had the cash - I'd definitely go with another King.
  15. Smo™

    Tank Vid 1

    Yeah he's married! Check the link: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....&hl=wedding As for the video, I uploaded it to my tv.isg account; tank_vid_1.wmv
  16. Smo™

    Tank Vid 1

    Haha, beast. I love Tank
  17. I love Top Gear - thought this last episode was great but not on par with last weeks or the American episode. Still good though.
  18. Sygate Personal Firewall - I've downloaded over 400GB of movies/music etc. on my Uni connection with every single port scan blocked. A mate of mine next door downloaded 3 films with Limewire and has lost his connection and been fined. I would swear by Sygate any day.
  19. That was awesome - the quality was mind blowing. Nice riding too
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