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Everything posted by thefletch

  1. feels so much better without. Wouldnt advise it with someone who might have STD/I though.
  2. At the end of the day AT LEAST YOU GOT LAID Better hope you havent got bad aids, there the worst.
  3. yea i gotta go to surgery after friday night detailed in happy thread lol. do you just go to your normal docs? or is it a special 'sex clinic' ??? lol and what happens when you get there? not that i'm scared or anything
  4. I'd say fair doos to bondage. Choking and abuse however is pretty ****ing sick. Your everyday bizmar though, nothing wrong with that
  5. Am I (this is joe btw not fletch) the only one here thinking that unless this whole business with the lubes is purely for use with anal (which lets face it its not) you guys need to be introduced to the art of foreplay... It's called go down on her for quarter of an hour, or if like me you sometimes like to just leave the missus (well ex) hanging, let her stew for an hour or so when she wants it and she will be soaking
  6. no one has mentioned that yet actually, that really would put right up shit creek without a paddle and two broken arms lol
  7. the tingle one is basically like rubbing slightly dilluted peppermint collgate all over you cock, other than that, i'd deem it pretty useless. thought it would fun, but it doesnt do alot. Lube is for those that can't prepare a pussy properly. My excuse was curiosity, which i guess will one day extend to anal.
  8. My mate Adam is, used to ride 20" for heatsink but doesnt ride much these days. But you never know.
  9. For sexual advice, there's a clip in mean girls from coach carter. something along the lines of ''if you have sex, you will get klamidia, and die'' (he spells it with a K on the film) And just to clarify, you where camping, so no immidiate washing facilities? and no condom? and i'm assuming you dont have a portable Colonic Irrigation kit with you? and you decide to try a cheeky poke up the back door.... what were you planning on doing with your shitty cock afterwards idiot. Fletch
  10. did you know she was a village bike before you did everything with her? Unless im mistaken, i dont think there's a direct relationship between number of positions and chance of catching something. At very least, if you do catch something you know who to blame (other than your foolish-self)
  11. f**king nuts, when will he stop getting bigger.
  12. Just remembered another quality trate of Nicks, does anyone remember his impression of Mel B/C from Bo Selecta where he used to imitate slapping an ass shouting ''i've still got it, i've still got it' lol RIP
  13. well there we go lol my point was that by drilling the middle of the crank where the stress/strain forces on each respective sides cancel with each other, shouldn't weaken the cranks much at all
  14. i'm using mank dirty pond water as my hose ripped out lever in the middle of a ride, and that was the only liquid for miles...works great...
  15. These cranks could actually be VERY good. All this time I have wondered to myself why this "I" shape hasn't been used before for cranks. The 'stress' and 'strain' forces are at their peak at the outer edges of the crank arms (where, on these cranks, there will be more material), and at the some point near the middle (I'm guessing it would be the perfect centre if the cranks were perfectly symmetrical) their is no stress or strain force whatsoever (the point at which the material has been removed with these cranks). Its the same reason why steel beams used in steel frames for buildings have an "I" cross section, instead of a rectangular cross section Deng may have actually thought these through... Joe Having said that I have now remembered that the monty ti cranks have material removed from the middle of their inner face, and there are probably a few others that do too...
  16. that last picture there is a classic, he spent hours trying that back wheel, never mate but got seriously pissed off, had a Hobbsie tantrum. What a legend.
  17. Do you reckon someone who is going to attend the funeral should print out this thread and take it on the day? Could be given to his family or put into the book that's been mentioned? I have one concern...I hope his family are prepared for the number of people that attend...I can see there being **** loads!! Joe
  18. thefletch

    Djing Name

    And what in god's name is a 'street name'??
  19. I thank god SO MUCH for that night. Was just shear randomness that we bumped into him that night. We were just stood near the bar for about half hour hugging and telling each other how much we loved each other. Kinda feels like it was my goodbye to him... Joe
  20. Just remembered another couple of things that were truely funny. Nass 2005 i think it was. When some riders (Br3n and the Worthing crew i think) turned the inside of his tent around,\ so when he came back and went to go to bed he opened the outer zip and was faced with the white internal netting of his tent, he went nuts, accusing everyone but it was so funny, and as angry as he seemed you could tell he found it found too. Another incident from then was when a load of us went to the Goddard region of the camp site and Hobbsie and Adrian someone i think, were play fighting and Hobbsie got picked up and thrown straight threw some random tent, snapping all the poles and shit inside it, f**king funny stuff. fletch
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