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Everything posted by zoojames

  1. Tic if anyone hit my brother quite fankly I'd go off the rails... Say if some guy came up to you in Poole whilest we were with you and just hit you, we wouldn't not do anything... Its just plain out of order to act like that and yeah you should contact the police CCTV is surprisingly good these days but thats if the cops get of their ass to look at it! James
  2. Surely you and your mates could've defended yourselves? Sorry but I don't understand how someone can punch you and you not feel the urge to beat them senseless untill they start crying Uncle... Sorry it happened though mate! Hope it gets better soon! James
  3. Haha I quoted that whole thing to my mate the second I read that n all Tim :P Quality :D James :P
  4. How can you say Benito and Hermance are cool? Would you really want to take them down the pub rather than Hawes (who would obviously get drunk) or indeed Ryan Leech (because he looks like a girly man :)) James (Y)
  5. DING DING DING give that man a prize! Well done Tomm
  6. Oooh, Ooohh, ooh, ooooooooooh! Haha classis (Y) What would Koxx say aye? Did he break anything? Bleed from any orofice in his body? Think not, so wasn't that bad was it really? James :)
  7. Is that 100%? I'd like to go on a t-f camp, and Porthcawl, legendary, so should be good? James (Y)
  8. Should be a dude like pulling on his mouth... slack jaw'd type! Its full on mental! CRAZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm not liking the looks of blue :blink: FRED GET OUT YOU 24" GIT :P You're better than BLUE! James B)
  9. Bigman, are they the new white koxx rims? If so :blink: LUUUUUUSH! Mate that looks pimp! Allthough Rossi's black... I may prefer to the blue!!! I am in love with those though! BEAUT! James B)
  10. For f**ks sake emo is a scene! Thats the whole f**king point of it! Its to make looser kids look good and cool and accepted thats it! Who really cares? It doesn't matter, this is a trials forum not a "who can be the coolest" forum... go talk about bikes! James - i have given up!
  11. Sorry Dan :"> Never think anyone reads my posts to be honest... But I get what you mean, Sams thread has just turned into a bitch about scene kids, extremeties, steroetypes and other bullshite! Meh oh well (Y)
  12. How many emo's do you know who talk like that? And why did you just name scene bands? I'm not even a huge fan of emo, I'm more of an electronic indie kid but I like converse and black jeans with long hair (Y) Oh well! James (Y)
  13. Danny can I just say, your avatar, possibly the most funny/true thing I have ever seen! Keep up the good work (Y) James (Y)
  14. I'd rather be all like "Yeah im emo" than get all defesive about it... I don't really care, I dont act emo at all, I'm just a typical trials rider I guess, moveable trousers, koxx boots, breathable tee and a helmet! When I go out I get called a goth n stuff, oh well! James (Y)
  15. Have you seen a film called "Mayhem" its about a guy who makes this film on people who try to eat him and all his crazy adventures when he meets on of the womens daughters who has this crazy gothic kid who trys killing her etc, you look like him! Will try google and edit (Y) James (Y)
  16. zoojames

    Nbr 15

    Oh shut up :P You soooo know what hes talking about! Good vid, Mitch is REALLY good, was almost surprised by some of the stuff he was pulling in southampton! Class vid, don't know what Aaron means by not as good as previous ones? Solidly cool! James (Y)
  17. What firefox skins are people using? And where can I get some new ones? James (Y)
  18. The ever needed comment from Bongo (Y) you crack me up sometimes! Get the kit! I think I might be crashing at yours after taste of chaos (Ask Oli) aslong as I pass my driving test anyhoo! So that could be funny! Allthough I wouldn't drink and drive! Would still be good! James (Y)
  19. My myspace pics... Go nuts guys... All a bit scene, meant to be! I love scene kids (Y)" Go to a funeral for a friend "concert" and seriously its just like alllllll girls used to be pikeys and just like men kissing each other, all the guys couldn't bench 1kg, they all look the same, thats not emo, thats sad! Myspace though, might as well be called EMO Space! Emo girl Emo boy just go through their friends lol its an emo fest!
  20. How the hell did that happen? What did it do? Because seriously an internet explorer shouldn't really crash a pc (Y) James :-
  21. Richie, how the f**k? Look at my emoness :"> Im so embarrased now! Oh well, who cares :- James (Y)
  22. Yeah Sam with your UCI street, I just made it powerfully :- And on the way back! I think it's your tyre though... :D Oh and the fact that EVERY move you do your like over the handle bars about a mile....lanky git..... James (Y)
  23. Oh yeah I remember, someone (I acctually expect Porter, who subsequently "hadn't"turned up for the ride) kept pissing from the roof randomly when someone went to do something...people say it was the stuff that keeps the roof cool, others say it was acctually rain, I know the TRUTH James (Y)
  24. I just like it a lil more rough than the norm... :"> My girlfriend has never even SEEN a max power magazine, but she can't drive cause she's only just 17 (Y) Fred's has to be the most true! Look at him :D James :-
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