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Everything posted by zoojames

  1. The photos Don't wana be on a 56k modem trying to open this... But hopefully you'll like some/all of it Constructive criticism is welcome as always! Thanks James
  2. zoojames


    save up more and get a mac.... you'll never go back! james
  3. zoojames

    My riding pics

    Just random pictures ill take from time to time
  4. zoojames


    From the album: My riding pics

  5. Sorry Steve but I got bored of mine, took em out and BOOM, I'm back to 1mm studs again... You can just take them out when your bored! And Dan, some people stretch back from 18 to nothing, believe me I've seen it! When I first started stretching I got told the max was 5mm, then 10mm then 16mm... it just kept going up! Basicly it depends on how you heal/how your lobes are shaped/thickness etc. I've got big stretchy lobes, so I got told by a professional that I could hit about 12 before I couldn't close up completely, so go to a piercer, with experience, and ask! They will also tell you everything you need to know about stretching, the safe way, not the G way of sticking your grandmas knitting needles in your ears (Sharn) or Poole queues to get you to 22mm (Ross) and it may be expensive but thats how they'll tell you to do it, 0.5-1mm at a time! I went from 1.6 - 2 - 2.4 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 1mm, and my ears are fine Its good fun, till/if you got bored! James
  6. why did that make me laugh?
  7. zoojames


    From the album: My riding pics

  8. zoojames


    From the album: My riding pics

  9. zoojames


    From the album: My riding pics

  10. zoojames


    From the album: My riding pics

  11. Sorry, its getting late, I'm too lazy to Search, does anybody know the release date? Doing this for Mitch V. Thanks
  12. I bet he was thinking "What the f**k are they doing outside my shop!" As for this 9/11 conspiracy shit, who cares? You'll never find out, shit blew up, people died, thats how it goes! I doubt even George Bush could get away with so much crap! James
  13. zoojames

    New Tattoos

    Gota get mine booked up sooooon! I love the place I'm going to, the people are soooo coool! Getting a couple done I hope, f**kin expensive but lush! How much does the inside of bicep hurt? And Andy did you find around your hip area it hurt with the fire lay-dee? I'm getting some dice down there and jus' wondering. James ."
  14. Haha Ol' Doddy's clutch went, which was a bit harsh! Saw one of the leading Subaru's in a ditch on the way out of the sawmill stage! Was funny! My mates dad was racing in the Red Mk2 Escort, Number 71, came first in his class! All in all was an ace day! And I got to drag the ladyfriend along for some company! RAD Friday night was shitting cold, and Tic, we were probably stood behind you! Skinny jeans and Snowboard jackets = way to go baby!
  15. can we be nice and civil and have everyone post up .mpeg files? I'm sat here on my mac and however much I love windows media player I'd rather not... So thanks
  16. Stop acting the fool Heres Tony Blairs arse, heres your tongue. Sort it out, he was just pointing out a physical fact. Re-tard.
  17. Which pit, there were a few wern't there? I ended up spending half of coheed and all of thrice in the pit centre stage about a quarter back from the stage, was f**kin' rad! Made my day
  18. zoojames

    The Uk

    I don't see anything wrong...
  19. I'm going on the sunday, but mooching up saturday night to meet my friends in a hotel! We Are Scientists have now been added to Sundays line up (ommfg so the scene, right?) And they are possibly my favourite band playing! All I need now is Test Icicles to sign up for sunday and I'd be stupidly happy! As for now, Sunday will do. Saw Coheed vs Thrice on Saturday, Coheed were very poor IMO, Thrice how ever, so good. scenester out.
  20. Here check this badboy out! Its a gig that was started last year, a bunch of big name bands get together and do a weekender, tickets go quick but its an amazing event! Spose it's a bit of an "emo" thing if your going to be like that, but anyway, a lush gig, lush bands, lush time! Just watch out for all the 12 year old fat scene girls... yuck! James
  21. So guys, whos going? Which days? Which venue? The line up is looking nice! Going on sunday, I really DON'T want to see MCR, but Panic! and Underoath I do.. Oh well, settling for Lost Prophets, TBS, etc! James
  22. Just wondering, isn't the whole point in having a bespoke bike to be able to choose your OWN geo? By looking at the post John might as well start building up aload of the same spec'd bikes and selling them fully built for a small profit! The whole idea is that John is experimenting with his own taste, not someone elses to get the perfect ride for himself. By copying his geo you may get a bike that rides amazingly, for John, but for you it could be utter balls because your not John! Just go on a bunch of different peoples bikes, think about what you've ridden before, change some bits about on your current bike and see what difference it makes. Just my opinion but a viable one I think? May get slaughtered but meh, don't really care.
  23. Haha mr Chav walks up to you, reach into your bag and grab the spanner, out it comes and you politely ask if you can help, slowly stroking the spanner. No I think alot of people are right, insurance really is the best bet... Lee is 100% right, I don't notice people alot of the time and if I get any stick you either walk away or prepare yourself, theres no real way to be safe but something hard is the best way. Your helmet aint a bad idea, I mean being wacked in the face with one isn't my idea of fun, and if someones willing to do that your kinda sure it wasn't a mercy swing, they will be back. A common misconception is that if you lay on the floor you'll be okay, bull shit, kicks to the face and ribs hurt a HELL of a lot more than a punch! Just don't go down keep stood up and one hand on your bike. Its easier if someone jumps on your bike, they have both hands on the handlebars, happened to me with a bmx once, just jump on them when they try to ride off, litterally run and jump then land on them swingin'! Have fun protecting yourselves kids! On second thoughts, hire a big f**k off black man to protect you, like a bouncer only better!
  24. zoojames


    Anyone know where I can "aquire" Office:Mac 04 for my iBook? It's just easier to share stuff with my pc that way... Pref cheap, verging on free... Yay! Also needing a copy of Adobe Photoshop of some descript! Thanks guys x
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