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Everything posted by zoojames

  1. "I'm only doing this to get to your mum" INSTANT turn on! thats a joke okay? I've got a weird thing for pain, nails in my back YUM James
  2. Haha sixth form last day, I went to a grammar school full of lil rich kids, so some how we managed to release 12 rats in the corridors, 6 up, 6 down, most ended up behind lockers but some managed to frighten some science teachers. AND A box of flying locus type thingys got let out in the school hall during asembly(sp?) that was pretty f**ked up... Oh and every fiat cinquecento, mini, micra, daewoo ended up turned around, on the field, or in the copse. Anythin's good
  3. zoojames

    Pro-mo Promo

    Yes I am exactly 12, well done. Moving on I get the whole you can be born gay as you can be straight, but at the same time you can choose to be gay and outspoken about it or not, more importantly if you think you swing both ways you can choose which you want. It's like right now, your telling me that because I class myself as straight if I thought "I wonder what it'd be like to have a boyfriend" that I cant change my preferance? I've never thought about being gay before, but if I did it'd be my choice, some people just don't see it like that. I'm a pretty literate 12 year old huh?
  4. zoojames

    Pro-mo Promo

    I think I get what this Concussion geezar is saying, that he thinks they are handicapped in some way, as someone who has a mental disorder is. This is of course complete bull shit and he should be put down (awaits someone to post a google picture of a cute seal being hit with a spade, ta) And Ogre, I'm going to hurt you. Being gay is a life choice, its not like being black or white, thats genetic, but you can choose if you want to shit stab or not! Okay so some people may never find females attractive, gay from birth lalala, but some don't! I almost agree with people who say "its not natural" nature tells us to procreate, and being gay stops this, but at the same time nature teaches us to be curious, so why not? As was said earlier, I'd rather go to the pub with a bunch of gays than a bunch of homophobes! James
  5. zoojames

    New Tattoos

    I think its a halloween temp thing outa a capri sun... at a guess? could be wrong...
  6. zoojames

    New Tattoos

    Straight edge is a term used to describe someone who chooses not to drink, smoke, do drugs, or have pre marital sex. Last time I checked anyhoo. And dont you have the straight edge rather than are straight edge? Stemmed from America where Under 21's would get a X drawn on their hands? Now a bunch of crap surrounding Hardcore music or something? All I know is that the kiddie from Playradioplay is straight edge and said all the crap above on his myspace.
  7. zoojames

    Pro-mo Promo

    I was just wondering how many homosexual males we had on T-F, I mean we are a pretty small community as it is and as has been said I felt a rather homophobic vibe around here at times. In year 10 my mate came out to me, I was the first guy he told, fair enough I didn't mind and I still hang with him to this day, stopped talking to him for a bit for breaking up with the best guy he'd ever been with, his boy friends a knob atm... Anyway since starting uni I've made friends with a Gay PORNSTAR, seriously he's the nicest guy in the world, he's camp as fook to be honest but I dont really care, boys got style! So I'm Go-Mo, I know far too many! As for homophobes, turn it around, imagine what you'd feel like if the second you kissed a girl the world came down on you for choosing to like that person, even though you couldn't help it! I'm not saying don't knock it till you've tried it, because I dont think I would ever try it, I know I certainly don't want to now, but who knows! Cock and Bum could be FUN! James
  8. zoojames

    New Tattoos

    Your a virgin? Is that going to dissapear when your 22? Sorry, Its a nice tattoo, just, you've branded yourself a label for life! I'm a sarcastic dick to people, but I dont have a knob tattoo'd on my forehead...
  9. The tape thing all goes smoothly unless you pull the plug out and the tape stays in, in which case it tends to find out how sharp it can make itself and dig into your lobe... So just make sure the tape overhangs, fold it over and it should be okay! But yeah any tape will do, jus anything that will layer to increase the size, also means you can jump up in as big or smaller stretches as you want! Oh I also the the regular Biro will stretch from 6 - 8, give it a go, its fun! James
  10. I'd never realised that sounded that bad, but your right, kinda signature worthy! Lee 4 f**king mm stretches are gonna hurt you idiot I'm realising that stretching is only addictive if you have money! So basicly if you start stretching get to 3mm, get a tunnel, get some celotape, and BOOM you hit about 5 - 6mm for free!
  11. Haha you knows it! Does it hurt getting scalpeld? I can only imagine that it wont close up properly from the scar tissue if you took it out? I'm not to sure because I knew I could always wait to stretch! James
  12. Anything under about 12mm will heal up depending on how stretchy your lobes are I waited 3 days to stretch the first time I did it, got to 6mm in about a month, purely cause I didn't have the money to do it at once. The best time to do it is in the shower, you get all warm and stretchy and then it really never hurts! I'm going to 6 again atm, I'm only on 2, lost all my shiznay, but yeah it wont hurt and it will heal, just dont go too hard and fast, let your ears heal cause once you rip them they either wont heal properly or wont be able to stretch easily. My mate Harri is currently on 22mm, they smell like athletes foot SOOOO BAD! So yeah, you'll have to live with that! James
  13. Its worrying how true-a-depiction of emo kids this is! Read more here
  14. "you think the walls bad? I ride a zoo on the weekends!" "Echo doesn't mean ask twice" James
  15. So, has anybody seen the film "Spun" ? Cause theres a couple of scenes in that; 1. The main character has kinky sex with some girl and ties her up, she ends up tied to the bed for like 3 days and every time he goes out he tapes her mouth and eyes shut. It's f**ked up but still... 2. Debbie f**king Harri saves the tied up girl and they trash his room, deleted scene on the dvd i think. 3. The cops get an addict to go pickup of the local dealer, he's been wanking with a sock on his dick, and when they find the kids got a wire on he gets a gun and shoots him in the testicle, all EVERYONE says to him for the rest of the film is "thats gotta hurt", class! Everyone try to download that film, its rad! The other one is Boondock Saints The guy drops a frikin toilet on a russian whos about to kill his brother, thats amazing! Or when they do the James Bond stylie drop into a room accidentally, with rope wrapped around em and they spin round and round shooting people! It's frikin funny!
  16. Can someone upload it to something good? Megaupload is being a retard and saying that it's download limit has exceded That and Trials Shack is good! Cheers guys!
  17. Hey really sorry to hear about that, hope everything gets sorted soon and you're all on the road to recovery! Can I just say to everyone bitching about "people like that" because everyone will do it at some point or another, things like this happen, going at 40mph in a 30 can still end up getting you killed, okay it was stupid, i'm pretty sure everyone involved realises that, you don't need to go on about it because odds are you either showed off a little bit and got a bit racey when you pass/ed you're tests, or will do in the future with other cars, it's what happens! Anyone, hope everything goes smoothly! James
  18. zoojames

    Bee Hive.

    Yeah mate you wana go with the hole in the shed move really, then just blow them the f**k up with bangers! I'm liking the sound of the joint idea though! Or get some mates round, have some dutch courage, then tip the shed slightly and flame em deoderant stylie! Film any/all of the above for us okay? James
  19. yeah I got it cheers its pretty f**kin' expensive ennit! still, might get it, its my granddads 80th.... meh, there you go! cheers
  20. anyone know the place where you can get news papers from the year someone was born? I really need some info would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  21. http://bulletin.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse...c0-5a0824c6e6a2 thats got the links to the main transformers and tmnt trailors your welcome! James
  22. dont go slow, go safe! If you go slow they'll decide you hesitate and fail you! Just drive like it was a lesson that you wanted to do everything right in! Look like a pigeon, move your head every 3 seconds! so yer, be careful! James
  23. zoojames

    Emo Girls

    Boon is right, there are a million and one fat ugly gribly scene girls ponsing about with their skinny boys... this is of course disgusting... There is also the skinny chav girls who dress scene to get laid with two scene guys because they like boys kissing... Then again, I had a hot "emo" girlfriend for a while, which James Porter absolutely loved, asked me why I didn't bring her to Donneys warehouse so he could give her a go... willy Majority of emo girls = no Hot ones = super hot! my 2p, James
  24. yeah the first one I'd forgotten to change my manual settings so the shutter speed was almost 2 seconds, so it captured all the movement and the appature let alot of light in too! Hence its white and blurrrrrrrry! Glad you like em Cheers guys James
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