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Everything posted by zoojames

  1. Oh my god, the faint, BEST music taste ever! I have just downloaded so much of their stuff! Its god amazing! James (Y)
  2. Oh by the way guys I have a theory test in the morning... So I will be late, as will Steve, Kerley and Mitch! But we shall be around later! James i'll get you number and I can ring you when we get there! James (Y)
  3. Sorry what? I am... oh well... I dont even like emo music really! Im more of an alternative, indie, electronica kinda guy, hence im in like 3 indie bands (im preety much the only bassist in my year, in acctual fact I am!) I just like my hair! James (Y)
  4. Sorry to quote all that complete bull shit. Did you read my last post? Has anybody? NOT EVERYBODY SPENDS THERE EMA ON NON-SCHOOL RELATED SHIZ! My parents can by no stretch afford to put me through UNI so all my EMA is going towards my uni fund! Your parents earn enough to send your sister, im paying for myself to go to uni, no help from anyone! So f**k off before you get all high and mighty with me telling me how I spend my ema, I don't choose to get it but whos going to say no? Surely its better if I get a better education and give more back to the community as a better paid individual than drop out and live on benefits? Argh some people! Just cause you don't get it you can't see the good! It's easy to say somethings bad if you've never tried it! James (Y)
  5. Joe post a picture of your white hair! I just wan't a laugh! James (Y)
  6. zoojames

    Xbox Live Help

    Go into your network properties and makesure your internet is being shared so that your cross over can pick it up! You have to use a cross over cable! Go on xbox lives site, it should have the answers on there! James :turned:
  7. Miles you came across a bit of a cock in those posts. My parents are on less that £30k and so I get EMA. I dont spend any of my money from EMA as its all going towards UNI! My parents cant afford shite for me and I work 16 hours a week ontop of my schooling to pay for my bike and journeys and whatever. None of it relys on the government but im trying to learn to drive and buy a car and insure it which I can't do without job! But I still wont touch my EMA so don't tell me everyone who gets it f**ks around and spends it on booze, I may not live in as bigga house as my new friends at grammer school but I'm a damn sight happier and even more loved by my family! That should count for more than anything! James
  8. Oh my god Sam thats SOOOO OLD! I've had it on my pc for years! Love it! Is sooo funny! That Dashboard bit is soo good! James :turned: Why isn't there an Emo emoticon?
  9. James say no to work! Its friday for gods sake and your only 16! GAAAAAAAY! James :turned:
  10. I'm on £10a week for going to 6th form, I havn't touched a penny of it, going all towards helping out with Uni fees, Made £590 this year, thats just £10 a week with the £100 bonus' you get, like every term, so 3 a year! Get 3 years of it as Im going on to do another year FE at Bournemouth Arts Institute! I hate self employed rich kids parents who still get them ema due to swangling the books! James :)
  11. Not the skate park foo! The play park! It was in a 16bit trials video. James :)
  12. Ditto, I really dont care, in actual fact I turned to my mate the other day and said "Im glad I don't live in London" Its f**ked up, I dont thinks its right, but like shit am I getting involved! As for Anal, yes "we" are now the minority, Its cause we have pushover laws/correctness, british are f**kwits! James
  13. For all those as lazy as myself, Funny.
  14. What you mean they havn't been working :) im on £60 a month's worth! James :lol:
  15. Said like a true Emo Dan :lol: I have a preety emo cut, But I dont really care, I like emo music, but I've always ALWAYS had long hair like this! Its a shame that emo has now engulfed all versions of long hair, studded belts, converse, and glasses, what the hell! GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK YOU EMO BITCHES! James :)
  16. Wow that looks really lush! I'd get one if I rode mod! Wouldn't a mount thats bolted to the stays be more flexy but also stronger than the less flexy but weaker mount from the frame? James :)
  17. I've had 11 so far, got my theory on friday, if I pass that I'll book me practical! After 11 lessons I've covered ALL my manouvers and got most dialed, 3pt turn and reversin round corners are fine, its just lining up and stuff on some others. I've been lucky and have picked driving up really quickly, its just my observations apparently.... I always know whats going on but meh! James :)
  18. zoojames

    Koxx Font

    Bigman, add me, Jamesonaleeson@gmail.com, will talk to you in a bit! James :)
  19. zoojames

    Koxx Font

    Adam methinks thats the olde Font, the one from the black koxx stickers with the logo at the end. Im after the new ones as shown in the above picture from Bigman. I can remember seeing someone had photoshopped ONZA in Koxx font but I can't find it using the search.
  20. You'll find frames such as Koxx and Zoo's tend to be more engineered around control on the backwheel, Curtis' etc seem to be a bit heavier on the backwheel but feel much better on the street with bunnyhopping etc. I'd aim around a 1060 bike, how tall are you aswell and what bar/stem combo you looking at? These both make differences but they can be overcome. James (N)
  21. The date will not change but there may be many more dates to come untill I can drive (N) Don't want to spend a fortune on train tickets! So yeah should be getting some of ye olde southern boyos out of our shacks! And agreed on hour and a half of stationness, otherwise its just annoying! Me thinks we need to check out that park thats in soton that I've never ridden! James (N)
  22. zoojames

    Another Video

    Not a bad video! Some good streety riding going down! Get a 24" I have to say though, that bit on the skips and pallette, the background looks like the default XP background with the blue sky and green green grass! James (N)
  23. zoojames

    Koxx Font

    Funny that you should ask this Bigman! I'm looking for the same thing, I want ONZA and T-Rex written in the font so if someone has it or Bigman if you come accross it the sendage would be most gratefull! James (N)
  24. zoojames

    Not Again!

    These english kiddies are gettin all this crud from the net right? So your trying to tell me that the two countries holding some of the most powerful technology in the world can't find a way to close down a website saying "Bomb the infidels in britain, even if you live there and your friends are british and have never said a bad word about you and don't even know anything about your religion but don't condem it" I think thats a bit rediculous! And delusional you have to remember these were English terrorists, lets face it, the English general public are brilliant people, and we are quite poorly organised! I hope that the gits get caught and sent back to what ever whole they came from and get the poo blown out of them by their local people, see how they like it! Bit of a contradictory post if I do say so myself... Oh well! James
  25. Well said Andy :D Yeah hop to it monkey, stop monkeying around!
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