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About basstrials

  • Birthday July 11

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    Bulgaria, People's Republic of

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    Outside UK

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. The bike has MAD fork now and i think is fun to ride.
  2. That's true.The funniest part was i did lost this as well as the bearings.LBS done everything to set the the fork and everything so i will get it tomorrow.I am going to put some pictures how it is.Unfortunately it is very hard to find stuffs for older bike like mine.
  3. Hi there, unfortunately today i did snap my fork doing endo.No injury for me,i was lucky.So i started looking for new fork with PM disk mount but it is seems that there is nothing similar.Any suggestions about where to look for? I have old Saracen Mad team urban fork and it is look it is going to save me but maybe i should change the headset because crown of the fork did sink too much into the head tube.Also, dropouts does not match with hub bolts(Echo disk hub)but removing a bit material of should do the trick.Headset bother me more. Anyone have had same or similar issue with? I mean to put different fork on Echo Pure frame. Thank you in advance.
  4. Thank you,La Bourde. You knowledge is respectful, obviously you have lots of experience and willing to share.I will try these,very helpful.
  5. The problem i have is not trackstanding itself,i can tell that i do it well but when i getting on my comp bike from the even flat ground i loose balance and have to move the bike a little bit forward to get balance back and do trackstand(i am talking about when the bike is on even ground,on uphill is different,it is more easier).This is very annoying because most of the times i have to do correction hops immediately to not moving bike at all but obviously most of the rider do it. Strangely i can do it rightly on my other bikes but comp one... Maybe because it is BB is higher. So i did find this clip of Adri Bielsa and help me a lot mostly because he explaining more details about.He is not using his brakes but i would like to know how other riders do it,what brakes they use on what kind the terrain,stuffs like this. Otherwise,La Bourde this links are very helpful.Ryan Leech is one of my old school heroes and very good teacher,i guess. So if any comp riders share their experience would be great. P.S. Apologies gor any misunderstanding. English is not my native language. Have a nice time.
  6. I do not think Jitsie A3 looks like DJ helmet because i do not like such ones as well. Good luck.
  7. Hi there,i did buy Jitsie A3 which is far by expensive models but it is fits me well.From experience i would say this:last helmet i did damage on,mostly dents was expensive one(Endura) doing wheelie, was hilarious though.Before that was other expensive Bell,so at the end of day i think that i am done with putting big money on helmets but this is me. Anyway,you may look at this Jitsie,it is convenient one. Gettings. Atanas
  8. Thank you.I did find what i look for, luckily.The video of Adri Bielsa(Spanish trial and mtb rider) showing balance techniques,here it is(strating at 8 minute): I am sorry to not to put this thread on beginners trials chet,if mod decides to move it away,go on. All the best to anyone.
  9. Hi there,a bit strange question maybe but how do you get on a bike on uneven or flat ground in order to trackstanding?What exactly do you do to stay in desired position without or little movement?Both brakes or not?What foot positioning? Correction hops? Any tips would help. Have a nice time.
  10. I have same one on my Cannondale and there is none issue like this.Maybe it is bad luck with or it is not suitable for trial use,who knows.Do you checked pawls and springs out?
  11. It is looks like ugly mix between bmx and dirt jump bike. The bar and stem choice appears like worst part to me.
  12. La Bourde,the old TR lever was leaking like you did say.This Trialtech lever is very solid and convenient for short fingers person like me.I can not tested the bike yet because i have some problem with my ankle.
  13. Thank you,La Bourde.I already did buy one so it is time to put it on.
  14. Thnaks to Ali C advices and videos how to do this i did grind my rim and it was not so hard as i thought at the beginning.I did use 1.6mm metal cutting disk at maybe 25 to 30 degrees.The Echo rim has hard aluminium (it is seems) because a very gentle pressure couse very little surface "damage".Comparing it with another rim of mine (Trials bike shop did grind for me)it is seems that my grind is little rougher.I am glad of but other problem poped up.I did turn the bike upside down and master cylinder stops working properly,the piston moves forward to the rim and not going back when the lever been released.I suspect that it is has an air inside.The lever itself is Echo TR one and i think would be good idea to change it with Trailtech one(short reach). Anyone have tried this combo: Trialtech lever and Magura cylinders? Also this lever has some knob(maybe is contact point) and what direction this one has to be moved to get proper brake bleeding? I guess that LBS would use Magura mineral oil for. Thank you.
  15. Thank you,Ali C.Very comprehensive answer.It would help me with the details which i did not know.I also did watch your video how to grind a rim and it is helpful as well. Thank you very much once again.
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