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Everything posted by Mr_scott

  1. You either love it or you hate it, or you don't really care. ZOOBIKE.COM Craig...
  2. I'm not fussed if you like it I'm not fussed if you don't like it You'v seen what i wanted you to see So I'm happy. Thanks for the comments cccoooooooooooooooooooooolllll Piece Craig....
  3. Dam right. Cheese n bean melts
  4. Really nice site! Easy to use, loads up fast. Keep it up. Craig..........
  5. So it was you was it Mike...... 999 :kiss: The ti finnsh looks woop dunnit. C*
  6. WOOOOOOOOP WOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!! Bling. PAL! eeeeek. Just feekin B'dey it. Craig.
  7. haha f**king classic, i vote me, Mind you Biff is quite sexy
  8. I only started that counter Last month Craig...
  9. WOOOOOOW!!!!!!!.......I wouldnt mind watchin most of them agen myself.
  10. The fanny best ride it well..... I wounder if the front brake lobbed him over the bars yet. I might go look at bottom of my street for some teeth sitting smug in the tar mac. Craig...
  11. I might buy one! ............
  12. All sounding good to me pal.... I'll help out as much as I can. Who's commentating? Baggy NOT me. ~ Craig........
  13. Mr_scott


    I don't think it matters if it looks like other frames on the scene...... all these different brands and frames are just helping make trials a bigger and better sport. As long as you have a frame that you like to ride I'm sure it don't really matter if theres frames that look the same. I'd say if you want to see summet different start your own brand and design summet you'v never seen before. Not sure on the prices of the frames yet.....I'm sure some online shops will have the prices up shortly. Glad most people like the site. ~ tar, Craig. Yer I pay for the site and update it.
  14. nice vid mr mike. ~ craig.
  15. Mr_scott


    Pictures of Aorta 20" full build..... WWW.AORTABIKE.COM I've added a few images to my site too.......... www.craigleescott.co.uk ~ Craig.
  16. Mr_scott


    Spot on that Jonny boy. Mr wheelers section was the shit. Craig~
  17. "Not liking the whole pop-up site thing, when the pop-up is the same size as a normal window." Just thought it looked quite nice without all the back button and url bar. craig....
  18. Website update...... www.craigleescott.co.uk Will have some images once I've got my new frames. If site isnt working right refresh a few times. Let us now if everythin is working right. Craig.
  19. Mr_scott


  20. "giggle. thats a bit out of order really isnt it. Now now craig dont get bitchy. whos aorta anyway they must be new." giggle.....yer was want it.... aorta is www.aortabike.com c.......
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