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Everything posted by Mr_scott

  1. zoobike.com panpa.com myspace.com/craigleescott CLS........
  2. Welcome to Forum chuk..... CLS...
  3. part from the rear rim and tyre. CLS...
  4. V!Z stem is bang on the same as the ECHO stem. The rear tyre is the ECHO one yer.
  5. Yer that's the 26" stem. Been back on the ZOO! for ages now. I'm not a rainy day rider, so the brake is fine for me.
  6. The rim i have on the rear is an ECHO rim. I think the rims are availble to buy now.
  7. Don't make ZOO! stems no more. I've never had my frame with out stickers on.
  8. The Echo team forks were awsome with the mounts on the back, but they started to creek pretty bad so off they came. Not selling them no. Both ride the same, as they both have the same geo. 06 just looks sexy'a. Rims are f**king beut!
  9. Not sure about the ZOO! pads, I'll find out. Yer the rear rim is ECHO.
  10. I've just been sick Damon! Naaarrrr dudd ggggiii aar feeeaauuurrkkkk! So then Damon, I'll see you in the next life yer. Bye! CLS! PS, you mum won't stop!
  11. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9746 Was an awsome day.
  13. http://www.break.com/index/pick_a_number.html This is awsome.
  14. Iyyyyyy... cut about 3" from the middle....close to the carbon effect.
  15. Is that the Monty that I cut up last night? Zoo'zzz a beast.
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