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Everything posted by Mr_scott

  1. I'll get a link to them clips sorted for download.
  2. Have a click of the refresh button a couple of times. I double checked all the links before uploading.
  3. Tryed to create something a little more interesting this time. If theres any errors let me know. Images will be up sortly, once I find a nice way of presenting them. www.craigleescott.co.uk Let me know what you think. CLS.....
  4. This is abdab.... Just tryed downloading the vid but it comes up and asks me if I fancyed a shag This a joke...........
  5. Awsome billy....bloody awsome! Them drop gap, christ! CLS...
  6. F*CKIN ace that Biff! I enjoyed that loadssss. Gap in swinton was a beast!!!! Good lad! CLS...........
  7. Looking forward to this Biff. Saw a nice clip from Swinton on your cam today that I was very impressed by. As they say, will edit when done. CLS......
  8. All is good. The more brands the bigger trials becomes. Any hooowww, that python lasted well...rip, she is going on my wall as my first ever sig frame CLS....
  9. I'm not really sure if people are fussed about how they are made as long as they last, that python was ridden by myself, then Abdab, both gave it some good hammer, It's even gone flying through the air afew times and landed hard on the ground. "Dengs" frames/parts are made to last but obveusly nothing lasts forever. Deng is slowly taking over the trials world and doing a very good job of it. CLS......
  10. Take you time, it can be a pain in the ass.
  11. Miss 4 holes on the hub. 2 on the left, 2 on the right, the 2 on the left north/south, the 2 on the right west/east. If you tape them holes off its easyer, then just lace the wheel as normal. You get me?
  12. Mr_Pitbull, Thee Biff... A good mate a mine.
  13. Funny as fuurrkk! I'll have words tonight, Biff!
  14. PAL! tell him, tell him who the f*ck I am, pal tell him. Chuk!! Iyyyy! Nail's a better rider than me and It's a beaut that way, someone to help push my riding, seen as we have the same style riding. And the site, yep, no money! But freewebs, that is about -500 on my list of help for hosting. Infact no! WTF is freewebs? Thanks for the beautiful comments about my sex toy. Piece, CLS...... The 07 is perfect. Nar.... Aree billy.
  15. Innit Oakley, up any more and you'l be out my mouth. Oakley! Friday, 11, Chesterfield station, I'll have the drugs. CLS......
  16. You are saying all this with a link to Neil's website on your signiture. Made me laugh. Buy the frame, rip off the stickers and ride! Bala bing. Nice freewebs site too. Is that Neil's web address under your web address I see on the main page? Made me laugh even more. CLS.........
  17. Got ta see what they look like innit. Iy!
  18. I've allready got the short version but not built it up yet... Wheelbase is 1025 CLS....
  19. Feels a little lighter, not too fussed about weight myself.
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