I like the idea you have here. Create an identity for the site, do some research into some branding, I'd start by looking at Ebay's identity. I also think that bike-trial.co.uk is restricting you for the future. Say that your site takes off, you may want to introduce the whole trials scene to your market place. There ain't just Bike Trials. Build some values for your market place. "Effective identity is valued because it builds awareness, increases recognition, communicates uniqueness and quality, and expresses a competitive difference." What makes your market place different to other online markets? Why should people choose your online market and not the others? With the amount of bits you see for sale on the forum I think your idea could take off. But I really think that you should think of a better name than bike-trial. "The right name is timeless, is tireless, is easy to say and remember and stands for something. Looks great in the text of an email and in the logo. The wrong name for a company, product, or service can hinder marketing efforts, through miscommunication or because people cannot pronounce it or remember it." Anyway, thats what I reckon you should get sorted before trying to get people to use your site. Like i said, I love the idea of a trials only! online market. One more thing, how are YOU going to benefit from it? People are going to be making money from something you have put time and effort into. Craig....... Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity, A Complete Guide to Creating, Building, and Maintaining Strong Brands: Wiley, 2005.