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Everything posted by Mr_scott

  1. He's got the moves and got the power, style will come later. And that bike of his loves abuse. Good little vid, I'm there next time. Craig.
  2. Nice one Trav! Enjoyed them.
  3. So sign if you ain't already!
  4. Sound job Gaz, enjoyed that.
  5. Mr_scott


    Nice one Beau, when ever I see clips of you the quality of your riding improves every time. Looking forward to the full vid.
  6. Not seen that in a while. Was a good day.
  7. Just to split the image up a bit.
  8. The one I did for CLS The End was rather large. It gave me whip lash, I couldn't get up the next morning. Not sure how big it was.
  9. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=96799
  10. Tribute mate, tribute! Dig deep on the net and you'll find a lot of designers showing there life as a creative set out in some what the same style, there all interesting to look at. My toy is better though.
  11. Some of you may know that Addingham has been closed for both push bikes and motorcycles at the moment and maybe for good. I found this link to a petition on the motorcycle forum, Trials Central. Here's what Trials Central has to say, link below quote. http://www.trialscentral.com/petition/ ADD YOUR NAME TO HELP KEEP ADDINGHAM A PLACE FOR RIDING! Confirm your signing of the petition by checking your emails. Craig.
  12. That was a while back! Not got the photos anymore, not going to be doing any for a while, if any at all.
  13. No! That wasn't one of my tee's, just one with my name on to attract customers. There ain't going to be any trials related tee's as far as 'SLYR go's. Sorry to disappointed if you were hoping.
  14. Ye, the new stuff is all going to be screen printed and I've found a t-shirt that fits and washes corking. It's all part of a uni project now, so quality, testing and values all have to be evaluated and sorted out. Not got any sticks made up yet, will have once the t-shirts are on sale. If anyone is interested, here's some prints I've been working on, http://slyr.carbonmade.com, I'll also be looking at typography, pictographic and Ideographic styles for t-shirt prints.
  15. Motorcycle Trials I think, he put a vid up ages ago of him riding it.
  16. Nice one Gaz, looking forward to the full vid. Pivot the fence too!!
  17. I like the idea you have here. Create an identity for the site, do some research into some branding, I'd start by looking at Ebay's identity. I also think that bike-trial.co.uk is restricting you for the future. Say that your site takes off, you may want to introduce the whole trials scene to your market place. There ain't just Bike Trials. Build some values for your market place. "Effective identity is valued because it builds awareness, increases recognition, communicates uniqueness and quality, and expresses a competitive difference." What makes your market place different to other online markets? Why should people choose your online market and not the others? With the amount of bits you see for sale on the forum I think your idea could take off. But I really think that you should think of a better name than bike-trial. "The right name is timeless, is tireless, is easy to say and remember and stands for something. Looks great in the text of an email and in the logo. The wrong name for a company, product, or service can hinder marketing efforts, through miscommunication or because people cannot pronounce it or remember it." Anyway, thats what I reckon you should get sorted before trying to get people to use your site. Like i said, I love the idea of a trials only! online market. One more thing, how are YOU going to benefit from it? People are going to be making money from something you have put time and effort into. Craig....... Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity, A Complete Guide to Creating, Building, and Maintaining Strong Brands: Wiley, 2005.
  18. Mr_scott

    Koxx Days

    Was there any street this year?
  19. That was mint Walker!
  20. Vid was beut, getting better on that bike now. Some massive moves going down. Defo a 20" rider Abdab n Craig.... P.s Hope finger heals stupidly quick kyle
  21. Mr_scott

    Jason Clark..

    Kool You like the frame?
  22. Ha, thats quality! They did this kind of thing on quite a big block round my local, they sunk big pebbles into the top of it thinking it would stop us riding but all it did was make it more of a challenge for us and in the long run, better riders. Although knifes are a little different to pebbles. Now gives Neil the chance to try it with out getting a puncture.
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