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About cveto

  • Birthday 10/10/1976

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  • Real Name
    Dejan Cvetanovic
  • Bike Ridden

cveto's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. ...it's green. It's also one of the cleanest river in europe. This picture is around 50km from source and i'm sure that is still good for drinking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So%C4%8Da ...about the diving. You can dive any time but water is very cold, around 12deg over summer. They have bulid a tower for high diving world cup this year and it was on the bridge to get 23m high tower. After the jumps they it was moved under the bridge and nov is i think somewhere bieween 16-18 meters. http://www.zurnal24.si/cms/novice/slovenij...x.html?id=60256
  2. cveto


    ...met him 3 years ago at nass. RIP
  3. cveto

    New Tbikes Video

    Hello english friends! ...i would like to share with you a video of Slovenian rider called Jurij Palivoda or Luriks. right click! "save target as" ...please give your comments.
  4. ...nice one adam,respect! ...how's it going?
  5. Away in body, never away from internet. And yeh, blah blah. Got pissed again last night, more darts!! Off riding now. Laterz.
  6. ...yeah!!!I did some test ride yestrday with one girl to see if it would be good for you.
  7. Hello my friends!!! ...here's link to teaser from this years Croatian Trial camp. http://mtb.si/upload/trialcampcroatia06_rajcovcek.mpg "save target as" ...please visit also http://www.mtb.si/ in column K.R.I you can find topic called Trial Kamp Hrvaska and scroll down, there's a link to photos. It's in Slovene language but in few days it will be in english to.I think you'll find the link. ...coments please ...also please visit the official Slovenian mountain biking page. HAVE FUN
  8. ...first i was on low BB,than i figure it out that i need longer bike.Last year in June i bought GU Typhon.Now i'm back on low BB,me and my mate swap frames, i have his ZOO! PItbull 04 1075mm WB and he has my Gu typhon 1095WB. ...what i found is that i can't gap on high BB,i have 20cm longer gaps with ZOO!.I can tap with GU,but with 100% concentration,bunnyhops,hoo hoas,gaps to front are easier with high bb(at least to me).Sidehops to me are pretty much the same on both bikes,but i've learned to do decent sidehop on high bb .Balance on the rear is easier with high BB,but now i don't have problems to stand still even on low bb,i think that high bb has helped me to learn this faster. ...i couldn't test differences like i would want to. We have to much of snow.If you have chance try different frame geometries to find what suits you. ...also found that newbies learns faster on high bb than on low bb-easier to balance.
  9. ...nice,and now my bike wants to have a little brother. :P
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