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The Foamoi Refresher

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About The Foamoi Refresher

  • Birthday 01/05/1987

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    luis armando fontes guedes morais
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    leeson 609/pashley/avid/burns/chris king/dmr/azonic
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    riding trials, playing guitar,
  • Location

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The Foamoi Refresher's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Time for another job interview

  2. Really digging the new Black Sabbath album

  3. I've been waiting 48 minutes for my phone interview. I wonder if it will happen?

  4. who's doing what tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CalRobbo341
    3. FamilyBiker


      setting up my pc´s case fan positions,cant get that effing gpu below 60°C(passive cooled biatch)

    4. HippY


      getting antisocial

      do some programming

      Black ops 2

      and maybe someones mom

  5. wanted: futon or double mattress, cheap as chips please

  6. wow, I havnt been here for a long time. i just recently got back from travelling around New Zealand, and took an acoustic with me, but have been back to playing my electrics again which has been great. I cant believe this thread is still going, but thats sweet. unfortunately, i had sold of most of my collection (16+) just before I went travelling, but it was worth every penny and only kept the guitars that are really sentimental to me, a 2008 Gibson Les paul Standard, an 04 USA strat, and my guild M120 acoustic. what kind of stuff do you guys play? and Matt, hows it going? seen you have been gigging recently. I hope its going well for you!
  7. I'm playing at the Jam this afternoon, wana come and watch me f**k up?

  8. Not the greatest end to closing the pub when you have to call the police to get a regular to get out

  9. For any Monday nighters open mic at the de la rue in an hour

  10. I have a lot of stuff that I am giving away for nothing/money welcome. Lots of books, sofas, chest of drawers, clothes, kitchenware, coffee table. Must be collected. If I have something you want, come and get it

  11. So I spent a few hours this morning completely servicing my trials bike, went and rode it for a bit, it's so smooth and fun. And felts great to be on two wheels again. Some things you just can't sell :)

  12. The red strat just sold on eBay. Score

  13. to all of my trials friends, im selling my leeson 609 if anyone is interested. full bike, £600 ono posted, im leaving Guernsey in 29 days and i need to shift it!!

  14. the adventure of traveling. not having to be anywhere, making mistakes, making new friends, just experiencing life on the other side of the world or wherever you are, its best to be turely free. gigging, playing guitar on stage, writing songs, recording them, nuturing them, and then letting them go out into the world. spending times with good friends, whether its at the pub, on a ride, traveling, or partying or whatever. life is always better when you spend it with people you love.
  15. save 10k, but a 60's fender, they just keep going up in price considerably fast. any big brand musical instruments from the 60's are becoming very valuable. even instruments that were for budget players at the time are now worth alot of money. id say get a pre 1963 stratocaster, before 'CBS' took over from Leo Fender, these are said o be the 'holy grail' of strats. keep it for a decade, then sell it off to a collector. or try and find a gibson '59 burst . . . but good luck
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