Hey everyone, I'm looking to get rid of my old bike and get back into this trials lark in time for summer!
I'm quite tall (6ft) but I don't like limo bikes.
My Zebdi, however, is too short and feels cramped and gives me back pain after any length of riding.
The nicest frame for me personally that I've ridden is a Koxx LB 1040, but I don't really want to shell out £400-500 if I can avoid it and I have no idea where to get one from (if they still make them, I'm not sure...).
I ride fairly basic "trials on the street" (not street street, like bunnyhops everywhere, but i still like a bike that spins a bit). Not bothered about how well a frame manuals because i can't do them!
So yeah, that's about it. Any suggestions welcomed (Y)
Ben :unsure: