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Everything posted by Matthew_Gibson

  1. Runing a smooth rim matey? Rock Green pads! or wack a LIGHT gring on! Pure ace!
  2. Lovely!!! Its a short version innit
  3. Sorry to hi-jack the topic! But Is High 8 or Digital 8 any good? I think my camera is f**ked! only works when using USB and the qualitys is shite.
  4. Dam/dry cotton bud/coton wool??
  5. Cool! I was trying to get an old rotor from work. but the one i found was 5 hole I dont think id waste good metal for it though! I just got a bit bored tonite.
  6. Stops me flattening them off, and yeah i mite be making a dual disc frame. next year for my tech project!
  7. Havent read the topic, just glanced over a few posts. Anyway! I saw in the supercycles store years ago, and there was a shooter with vee and disk. Looked over the top. Don't know how it worked. I was too small to ride a 26" wheeler
  8. You saw it here first! Guna make one! because I'd like to keep the mounts looking good! vv To stop that hapopening vv Any comments?
  9. I'm ordering the new '07 hub shell from tarty, Just swaping then internals over. I'll run a bit of thin oil. Saw a guide on how to a King on youtube.
  10. I just got my own computer back, which my dad has been sorting out. He's put a new fire wire card in, put all the drivers on. Good? NO! Plughged the camera in, turned it on. ......Nothing! doesnt even come up with "new device has been found" or what ever it says. USB works fine, but the firewire doesn't. Downloaded the newest drivers off the sony website, still nothing! I haven't got the original driver CD. Can anyone please help me out??
  11. When my New hub shell arrives ill be changing all the internals over, I need advise on how to do it. Step by step guide would be nice. Also what lube to use? Oil or grease? Is there anything I should look out for, as in damage to the pawls / springs Thanks! Matt Gibson
  12. I'm in need of some help. I'm trying to put my video onto my computer, It goes on okay, take its time. When it's final on and i can edit it (movie maker) there is No sound what so ever, and sometime it cuts bits out, speeds it up. and iv done nothing to it. The tape has only been used once before, and it was fine there. Could it be that its via USB? Every other time its been via fire wire? I'm really pissed off. As I don't want to waste time re-filming the whole lot. There almost a weeks worth of riding gone into this new video of mine! All the drivers are on the computer and the lot! Just done seem to like the camera!
  13. Nice vid! only this, your sidehops look strange. beause you hop the 'wrong' way. But i guess you dont wan't to bugger up disk rotors. Keep it up!
  14. Pro IIs are far from crap, I've been running one for a while now, never skipped, ever. Really nice hub, in up grading to a '07 model, soon, well just the hubshell. The '06 does have a fault, the hub shell is 'weaker' than the 07, but something like 3% of all the ones sold have cracked. Worth every penny. GET ONE!
  15. Looks mint matey! Now do one for a Middleburn cranks.
  16. Been doing it since September! MDF models! Edit Just a few ideas, the one with the calluipers on is my Aluminium model! I had to cast it! looks good though!
  17. Fit and forget! I've had one for about 2 years, NO trouble what so ever. If anything does wrong with it, hope are really good, they sort it out
  18. I ran the Gusset one for a while. Was good! Better when pushing the chain up though, half link and KMC chian. Sorted!!
  19. What grade Alu they made from? That not the problem? But Koxx have a thing for being weak don't they? I think they should do something about it! people will pay for there stuff, but they keep on breaking. Its not good news. I wouldn't get a Koxx due to the fact that they cost way too much. I'd get back on the Zona! less hassle
  20. I have an Avdi BB7 '07 with tthe wavy rotor. and It makes the brake and whole front end vibrate when braking. I think a un-wavy rotor will make this not happen. I was looking on tarty and they donw sell 185mm standard rotors. There is a hope one for 190, That one is 190mm There is two available on there one is £19 and the other is £22 Any diference in the rotor and will this sort the problem out? Thanks for your time!
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