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Everything posted by Matthew_Gibson

  1. XC are great lil hubs for the money! but for £100 I think you can get an 2006 version of the ProII if tarty still have any!
  2. I use a Panasonic NV - GS80 Comes with built in wid angle, which is okay. But not to be used with a fish eye. Has a tripod mount. Can also mount a flash. Fish eye lense was only about £20 from America, as there isnt many places local I could find one. I like the way it looks, and feels like a decent camera. Have only filmed 2 videos since I got it as xmas. has been worth the money though! Has both fire wire and USB. firewire is way better though. And its MIni DV One down side though, the battery life is a bit poo about £20 for another one though!
  3. Viz fords are lovely, Had no real problems with mine, Just be careful with the top cap thing. made of cheese. What I done it use a starnut and tapped that in, Works fine, 185mm will be fine on a stock, Ran it for a while.Then moved up to 203mm
  4. I wore mine in the shower with out any problems, single man boat for 2 weeks in the sea with out any problems too WHERE FROM!!!!! I need some contacts, as I have ordered a pair of glasses I dont like. I had mine knocked off my face on saturday, have my driving test next week and was in need of glasses. =[
  5. get an echo rim. your a harsh mofo! tyralls suck!!
  6. looks well nice, would change the forks though....
  7. Ulead 11.5 is good, Have to buy it or torrent. I used it for my last video. Pinnical gets good write ups too. Good thing with the Ulead stuff its there free trials on the net. Its £39.99 to buy at the min from PC world. http://www.ulead.com/
  8. 2004 Control! best bikes ever made! I know for a fact I have one person who agrees with me!
  9. Good vid, but your brakes ar too loud for my liking
  10. Have go to Dubrovnik, such a nice city.
  11. Matthew_Gibson


    I was listening to Radio one yesterday and they gave it 5* I may ask a lass to keep me company at the pics!
  12. MMMMM Price wouldnt go a miss! lol
  13. I said this to me ex about lasses, Find em, f**k em, Forget em! Should stick to that motto! On a plus side, Foam party last night! saw lots off bobbies! I was working so I couldnt do anything!
  14. Curved forks for the win eh!!! Still a nice bike though!!
  15. looks okay, not too keen on the brake posts on the rear. look a bit flimsey, and also tht tensioner?
  16. Make it next saturday, and If i have my frame ill come out
  17. can you close your hand fully?
  18. Mine was tight, But can off with a bit of GT85/GT40 or whatever I used. Make sure you don't slip with the tool though. will make the splines shit.
  19. holy cow.............bottom bracket dropage!! Looks nice though
  20. I'd say no. as hope are made for 160mm 180mm and 200mm BUT it could be done, with washers. wouldnt like to though, there wont be a lot of thread holding it on....
  21. Trialstube it someone. I clicked to download, and i got a huge pic of something i didnt need to come up with my mum here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I was very drunk and very mad one night, ended up punching a wall. Ended up with 2 fractured bones in my wrist. My hand swelt up quite bad. (pic for effect) The bones i fractured still hurt when I knok them. Just go to A&E and get them to xray it. The two I fractured have a orange line on, and the ring finger on my right hand, the knuckle isnt really there anymore lol Bets me safe tham sorry!!!
  23. WIsh people would stop posting nice looking mods! make me want to get my monty back!!!
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