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Everything posted by Matthew_Gibson

  1. frame flex making them round off like that? happened really bad when I was using Rockpad greens on my adamant with no booster, Frame flex. holy Moses
  2. I used coust pads on maggie, pretty good pads. not as good as TNN LGMs though. you got any of you material Ali? sure if tried it before....
  3. I could never get the to hit the rim square. due to having a wide rim. I tried fiddling about with it, but it made the brake really heavy. I was using heatsink backing and coust pads. but I only ran it for about 4 months, and wanted to try maggie again!.
  4. My vee brake had less bite but stacks more hold. where as my maggie, has LOADS of bite and LOADS of hold. just a shame the frame flexs too much for my liking, even with a booster on!!! each to there own at the end of the day! what bike you got too. Mods dont take too well to vees
  5. might have to get me one of those. look well trick! nice one!
  6. aha no worries fella. I was just bein a cheeky sod!
  7. YES LAD!! guna have to get there stuff now. had them a while back. but lost my iPod
  8. you doing much with the other rockman you have? need a few mod parts if you have any going
  9. when I was running vees on a stock. I found the best one I tried was Avid SD7. they were they were far stiffer than deore. but haven't had ant experience with the parallel push. what cable you using? could try a booster on there?!
  10. should have saved them clips for your vid lad. no need in previews. well only if your names Neil T. or Mr Watson!!
  11. dual disc I take it ye? looks very nice though
  12. I took the lever out of my brake yesterday to clean it all before bleeding. and the piston stayed up at the top of the lever body. I was going to change the lever anyway as it was cracked. but the new one didnt come with the spring and piston. I looked on tarty and they are discontinued so after a search on the bay, and Google and cant find one anywhere. Do i just need the seal? i would have liked to change the whole lot though cheers lads
  13. that makes a hell of a difference! But I cant see why you shelled out on new pads and new rotor which cost X amount, and you could have saved a bit and sent it to hope. Them guys do know that there looking for! the fluid wont make too much difference will it? Its DOT 4 or 5 in hopes init?
  14. I was pretty gutted that I wasn't there. I was planning on spending my 21st down there. Even though I know about 3 people off here, I was guna bring cake and beer and have a good weekend, make loads of mates. aww well!! But there loads of places it could be help. but as I'm far up north ill have to travel. Barrow farm looks like a good place, 3SIXTY skate park is nuts too.
  15. One of my mates (female) couldn't put or have eye-liner on, so one day in the back of maths, I had it put on me to show her it wasn't that bad, ended up with blusher, lip gloss and mascara on. Ye the teacher was out... lol Dad just gave me a funny look as I got into the car! aha! Must personally no. I wouldn't even if it was the "in" thing. I live in a small town where if you don't fit in you'll soon know about it....
  16. I had a Giro hex, that was mega comfy. but it got a bit shabby. Now got a Fox one, seems bit better than the Giro. I wouldn't have spent £70 normally. but it was a gift
  17. best one I've used is a super thin slitting disc, they about 1mm thick, better than halfords shitty cutting discs http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=slitting+discs&hl=en&prmd=ivns&resnum=3&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=901&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13989458289056834223&sa=X&ei=QfQhTuedDJGwhAfq78mwAw&ved=0CIABEPICMAA I got a pack of 10 for around a fiver. I might try one of those diamond cutting jobbies, I like my grinds to be uber sharp. but white are a good pad on smooth IIRC
  18. Got bored of the black and pink, so got the lads at the shot blast place to attack it. Frame and forks are raw, just clear coasted. The rims I stripped the front one, but it took too long, so just sprayed the rear. Just need a rear brake now, and some new bars, My v!z don't feel; like they use to. bit flexy :| Comments welcome
  19. I did try Google but the pic I found didint look right...
  20. I took the bearings out of my Hope Xc hub on Monday, and I didn't really pay attention to which way the axle came out, and I noticed that its sided. SO which end goes where?! The right side in the picture is shorter than the left. And dont owry about the funny colouring its where I took some crap off with the wire wheel. same with the bearing caps. are they sided too?! Thanks lads
  21. how olds the BB? looks a bit bent to me.
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