Right I'm after a new frame. I have an Echo Control, but I'd like something with a bit more BB rise. I want something around the same length, maybe a tad shorter, the bike now is about 1070ish, Ill measure it later. I was looking on Tarty's website, and the Adamant A1 06 has gone. Are they a good frame? Would it suit my riding, (mainly street, but not all that manual stuff. [see vids] but I do a bit of natty now and again. On Select bikes they are selling the A2 for £180, but that's crap material isn't it? (LINK) Well post away? I'd like everyone's opinion, but I don't want, " DON'T GET A ADAMANT CAUSE THERE CRAP" I want to get a new frame, but I'm not going to spend LOADS. Under £300, (Well I'll be selling my echo for £150 with BB and brake mounts) Thanks for your time. Matthew!