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About Matthew_Gibson

  • Birthday 05/26/1990

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  • Real Name
    Matt Gibson
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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. mighty high bb isnt it? am i right in thinking the headtube is longer to get the front higher?!
  2. JOBS!! applied for a technician at BMW yesterday, phoned me this morning. Went in today for a interviewer with the service manager. With me have no licence he seemed a bit gutted. Said my past dealer experience was good, and that I seemed keen. BUT no go on the technicians job!!! But while I was in the same dealership had a interview for a parts advisor. which again went well. calling me back for a "proper" interview next week.... BUT just got a phone call off a garage localish to me offering my a trials as a mechanic! Who said theres no jobs! just got to look hard enough and
  3. Guy! noob in need of your advise etc etc. 8 month ago I was involved in a bit of a crash. which forced me to move back in with my Mum. since then I've gained around 1.5/2stone! which needs to be gone. I have since then started doing a hell of a lot of road cycling (lost my licence) 1 - for fun, gets me out the house for an hour or 3 2 - to try and get some of the weight shifted 3 - doing the C2C in September I've lost about half a stone maybe less in about 3-4 months. I've now joined the gym, which took me from February just to walk in there. I have a card which was made up by the guys in the gym that took me on the induction. which are as follows: Day 1 Chest - presses 8 x 3 Chest - flys 8 x 3 Back - Pull down 8 x 3 Triceps - Pushdown 10 x 3 Abs - Crunch 12 x 3 Day 2 Delts - presses 10 x 3 Delts - Side laterals 10 x 3 Thighs - ext 12 x 3 Biceps - curls 10 x 3 Abs leg raises 15 x 3 Day 3 Chest - presses 8 x 3 Chest - flys 8 x 3 Back - Pull down 8 x 3 Triceps - Pushdown 10 x 3 Abs - Crunch 12 x 3 I've set my own weights, for what I feel comfortable doing over the reps. I go 3 times a week and just repeat day 1 on day 3. should I stick to that and see what the results are? I know it will take a while to see results. AND, is there any sups you recommend? pre workouts? post workouts? Like I said total noob here. any help would be AWESOME!
  4. Ian T?! Only one donated today! DUDE THANK YOU!! very kind of you!
  5. GUYS! My nephew needs you! Me and my brother are raising money for CLIC sargent by doing the same route that Jack dont the day he was admoitted into Crawford House at the RVI, Newcastle. "Jack Thomas Gibson was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at 17 months old on 7th April 2016. Within the first week of admission at Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, we had received support from a number of different organisations. These organisations need support, and we felt that we could support financially by holding a number of different events. This blog aims to track the progress of our fundraising activities, and gives us an opportunity to thank all those that support us on a potentially global front." https://jacksleukaemiajourney.wordpress.com/ Here's a facebook page to keep upto date on his progress,- https://www.facebook.com/Jacksleukaemiajourney/ If you could be find to give anything, £1, £2, £5 anything would be grateful.(Put you name on & I'll make sure you get the thanks you deserve) https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/JacksJourney16 Many thanks Guys!
  6. What happens when you hit a tractor! The insurance are sending someone to look ta it to see if its fixable! Pretty sure its not. but what do i know!!
  7. I dont think I can face seeing the car. I loved the thing as seeing it again will be tough. I work for vw at lillyhall in workington, msport is about 10 mins away. No idea you had worked up this was, small world.
  8. I'm happy to be here! REALLY god damn happy! I hit a tractor on the way to work Saturday morning and had to be airlifted to Preston hospital. My car is a wreck, I will be suffering financially for a few year. but at the end of the day I'm still here, I wont be driving anytime soon. NO pics of the car, as I cannot face seeing it. but from what if heard. I'm lucky to be here. Peace out guys!
  9. I'm heading down to MK for a few days with work. Taking my bike to explore there till Tuesday afternoon. I'm staying in the MKdons stadium but have a car so can travel. Hit me up on here or FB PEACE OUT!
  10. Where about you coming Luke if I hadn't half made plans with the missus I'd pick you up
  11. took the spring out of a "sprung tensioner" put a longer bolt through. worked a treat, if I bashed it doing sidehops just loosened the bolt and retensioned the chain and nipped it back up.
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