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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. HAHAHAHA TOP DRAWER sunny! Very funny, nice to see somein different! Rob :) :D
  2. Smart vid Tom! I remember when we went to porthcrawl, you've got those squeakers dialed!!! Like your style, very bmx infulenced! Rob :) :D
  3. Rob_P

    Falling Out

    Surly this should be in chit chat! There was a topic by MrMonkey not too long ago about the same sorta thing! Why not just add a reply to that Think it was called bad vibes a la forum! Rob :lol:
  4. Rob_P

    Gold Coast

    Yeah it's not one inch, thats why I put it in inverted speach marks! :D I put "one" inch because the man that was commentating was going crazy at the littlest thing! When ashton was riding up it the bloke got his figers and measuered it, just to make it sound more extreme he said "thats only 1 once think" when blatently it wasn't! I think his bike looks lovely, looks great in black instead of old toys 'r' us colours!! Rob ^_^ :-
  5. Monkey for god sakes why cant you just back down and shut up for once in your life! You ramble on about a load of crap! Just shhhhhhhhh!!!!
  6. HAHAHAHAH absolute quality! It did actually look a lot like you were trying to snap it! By joe did it snap as well! ^_^
  7. You do know that BT stands for Bike trials!?? You didn't think they just stuck the alphabet into a hat and picked B and T, ahh yeh that'll do! ^_^ I cant say I like that at all! The paintjob is cheap and tacky! Rob :-
  8. Well now heres a surprise! ANOTHER absolute waste of space!!! Get a life you flippin loser!!! ^_^ MrMonkey and coustkris! I think you both need to shut up so we'll call it 0-0 shall we! :-
  9. You cannot be serious!! :- :D Thats rediclous! :D
  10. A plastic bash guard hey! Good thinking batman!! ^_^
  11. Rob_P

    Gold Coast

    Hey guys, Been to Gold coast outdoor sports event this weekend camping! Was a right laugh and the venue was really good! Sports like surfing, vollyball, climbing, trials, bmx, skating etc! Was such a laugh and thankfully the weather turned out good! Heres a few pics of ashton and Grant fielder "ripping" it up! Just look at the concentration as he rides across the "one" inch beam! 44" sidehop. He couldn't do 46" this afternoon, wasnt to happy! Grant with a badass tailwhip Suuuuuuuper man! Barspin Uncle ashtons steed Cheers Rob ^_^ :-
  12. Rob_P


    Yeah I saw them in America but couldn't work out how the fag it worked! How do you actually turn them on or get them going?? Gonna have a lookey on ebay for one! Rob (Y)
  13. HAHAHAHA , ahh Matt :P By the sounds of the start of the convo it seems as though you planned it! What are you trying to do, name and shame people!?? Whats the point of that, you could of just asked what peoples thoughts were instead of posting your planned convo with someone on MSN! WTF :P (Y) Matts a sound guy and I think everyone is ever so slighty racist! Everyone epsically you, always talks about whites being racist against blacks but no ones ever complains when they do it! :- :lol:
  14. Rob_P

    Making A Vid!

    Ahh you badboy nice one!!! Yeah get alot of filming done shall we! Good stuff! Rob :- :lol:
  15. Yeah there alright photos, good riding but as its been said not very creative! Theres lots of things he could of done! One thing that would look cool is to shoot at night and place a slave flash near the rider so that when your flash goes off it sets the other slave off, the rider would be highlighted with everything else around dark! He could of put it on a tripod and do some nice multi shot and blend together in photoshop! Loads of possibilitys! Rob :'( :lol:
  16. Rob_P

    Making A Vid!

    No it comes up with a proper flowing movie! 30 f/s cheers anway! :-
  17. Rob_P

    Making A Vid!

    Ummm i dunno, dont look at me! (Y)" ;) Can I do this just by making it .avi after yeah?? How much does it actually compress it? Rob :-
  18. Rob_P

    Making A Vid!

    Cheers Tart! Looks confusing! Never made a trials vid before! ;) O well, give it a bash! Put the pics in a vdub??? Whats a vdub! Im talking about making a vid not pics or am I missing something!? Cheers Rob (Y)
  19. Rob_P

    Making A Vid!

    Hey guys, well i'm getting a little bored of putting pictures up on here to show what our riding is like! I really want to make a vid soon with summer on the horizon! Now, the thing is my girlfriend has a very nice camera that we could film with but I can't connect it to my laptop because the cam wasn't supplied with the cables that we need! We could go and buy them but there pretty expensive! Talking to rocktrials on yesterday talking about drums and he sent me a vid of him playing, turns out he filmed it with a normal digital camera on the movie function! This got me thinking what the qualitly would be like on my digi camera as it's a good one! So i went about to make a short drum vid of myself! I ended up making 2 as follows: 1. 1:59 long and shot in 640x480 2. 1 min long and shot in 320x240 Now vid 1 ended up being pretty good quality, good sound and no delayed movement but being a MASSIVE 120MB ;) :( This seems a stupid size for such a short vid! Why is this?? Vid number 2 was good quality but obviously not as good as vid 1 but half the time and only 21MB :- Now if I made a trials vid I would want it to be atleast 4 mins long and fairly good quality as well! Now can anyone suggest which format I should use and is there anyway of making it less MB because if I use the 640x480 format then it's going to be nearly 300MB! :) Sorry for waffling on! Please help!! Cheers Rob (Y) :P
  20. Rob_P

    Viz Video 2

    Very smart vid, I really enjoyed that! The editing was good but I could cope with the black fading stuff! Such good riding, you've got sidehops dialed!! Loving the coust hops and hooks too! Nice one Rob :- (Y)
  21. Finished all the AS stuff now but i'm now back at college for another 3 weeks doing A2 which by the sounds of things is going to be hard ;) For AS I did, Photography: really enjoyed it, the work was interesting but it's mainly just folder work but still really interesting! Graphics: was alrite, got fairly behind but caught up, quite hard as it's just designing and making! IT: oh my god possibly could be classified as torture!! I hated every minute of it!! Media: Really cool, got to make a film magazine which I hopefully got an A/B for! Works interesting, just mainly crappy research! Well now have to do A2 and the teachers say we got to do a lot more work to get a similar grade to last year!! :- 3 weeks should fly by! Rob (Y) :(
  22. Great pics Joes dad :'( ! Lovin the ashton "layin a dave ones" Good stuff! Rob :blink:
  23. Hey dude, cool vid! The music was different but I cant really say I liked it that much! Was chilled out with some smart moves!! Damon- :( :) o my word! He looks like a really powerful rider! Smart stuff! Rob :) :P
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