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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. Old skool Echo ES4R B) or Echo pure!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Y)
  2. Not bad wee laddy. But your dad desperatly needs to clean his sensor!!! Look at the first pic, loads lof little black dots in the sky and noticeable in other pictures. Tell your dad, he'll know what to do, it's just dust that gathers on it when changing lenses. But yeh nice pics ted, some a bit outta focus though. It's all good! Rob (Y)
  3. Rob_P

    Bristol Today

    You don't normally ride much anyway (Y) hahaha @ Mark, THE angle, anything for a photo I say!!
  4. HAHA FFS there dustcaps! Who cares, there only gonna get nicked by some chavs anyway. Just keep the black ones that come with tubes and be done with it. It's not gonna make your bike ride any better, or look better for that matter. Stop being a tart (Y)
  5. Rob_P

    Bristol Today

    By the sounds of it Mark it was a great ride! I always enjoy Bristol rides, there so much fun as Bristol is sooo good to ride but quite often I find myself stnading and watching people. Not quite the same as riding with your mates in your home town but good to ride somewhere different with new people. Gotta go Bristol again soon! and sidehop, your a bas***d for living so close to great riding as well (Y) haha a few to many pics of people on that first wall? lol But no, that pic of Peter doing that drop gap from the rounded fountain is impressive! Nice blurred background with rider pin sharp. Fluke or good camera skills? My guess is the first one :) :deej: Rob
  6. Have you actually thought about a little thing called commen sence? ok, go out and measure 65" and come back and tell me thats humanly possible. :) and no I dont reckon you've done 50" for one minute. 50" is VERY big, theres no other reason that you couldnt do it because it's been done but theres no proof, if you really were that good you would know that 50" is VERY good. You dont need some people on a forum to tell you that it's good as you should know that. By saying so you sound like a full on newbie, a 50" sidehop dosent happen by accident! Also before you tell me that I 'cant ride' or jealous or somein like that, I couldn't give a s**t if you can or can't do it, just cus someone else can do something better than me dosen't automatically make me jealous. Show us some pics and i'll shut up Rob :deej:
  7. Rob_P

    Piccy Wiccys

    Are you talking about the up in the 5th pic down? If so, surely that can't be 45" :) TF tape measure maybe? (Y)
  8. Rob_P

    Piccy Wiccys

    Looks like a good variation of riding (Y)
  9. So then.....your a little bit good!? (Y) Thats the best street vid i've seen lately, just full on action packed fun! Loved the change of angles, it keeps the viewer interested...editing went SO well with the music. Very very nice indeed. Going to get natty one now :) Rob
  10. Anything straight out of magura is going to be rubbish. I personally hate maguras but it's the only decent brake power we have so we have to stick with it. There ok and my brake works really well but everything is made out of shitty cast metal which breaks easily. The pads arn't much better than this, they are pretty rubbish pads with no lock. Save up some cash and maybe get some second hand koxx bloxx!? Cough*reds*cough But grindiing your rim is definatley a good decision. By the way, it's Kool stops (Y)
  11. Nice vid, sidehop beast! Prefur the steet bits to be honest, I find natural vids boring. But feck me that Limey looks sexual!!!! Rob (Y)
  12. Put a disk in D: drive maybe ? (Y) Restart, that normally works for me
  13. Rob_P

    Plymouth Ride...

    haha yeh That was funny, The way the bloke kept sayin crap as well! Wayne did you get your 2 emails with the photos in? Rob (Y)
  14. Yeh I read it when I was on my lunch break at work. I was just like what a fu****g joke!!!! Cant stand the way that Britian is so slack on the most serious of crimes! It sucks, lets all move to spain, nice people, sun, good riding, (Y) But no, all the best to the DJ family! (Y)
  15. Rob_P

    125cc Cbt

    Yes your right; You cant actually fail a CBT, it's trainning not a test. They teach you how to ride a bike, not examine you on how you ride. Thats what happens when you do your full bike test, much like a car. You have lessons and them do the final test. So you've got to go back for trainning because your: a) Fully retarded b ) They ran out of time c) You need to perfect the things you've learnt So yeh nothing wrong, just need to get it right. We don't want a load of wasps on wheels flying about like nutters do we....O sh*t wait, we already do! (Y)
  16. If your that desperate I could send them to you if you like :P
  17. Who gives a s**t whos older than who, were all trials riders here, lets try and get along like a civalised community shall we girls. To the topic starter.. it hasn't helped your case in any shape or form by starting this topic but I know how you must feel. From now on just wait your turn, it'll come along when you deserve it. Im so glad that theres a validation system, we'd have topics closed left right and centre else......O shit wait...we do anyway :P
  18. Rob_P

    New Website

    It's not finished you bloomin doughnut! ;0 Should of waited till you've got all photos and rider profiles sorted. Anyway, looks cool. Like the design Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbert :P
  19. I like those photos alot. Some are a bit bland but the ones that have been stitched together are very nice indeed! Whats going on with the red glow around the sign on the 3rd pic down :D But no, minors aside good effort!!!! Rob :P
  20. Rob_P

    Cycle 2005

    Trials photos- Just how they shoud be! Perfect! Rob :P :D
  21. Rob_P

    Plymouth Ride...

    Yeh sure Wayne, sorry mate! I'll get em sent to your hotmail this afternoon <_< ^_^
  22. Rob_P


    First of all great choice of cam! With a bit of knowhow and the right setting you can get amazing results! Rite.... Say your shooting trials at night.. So you need a relatively fast shutter speed, something at least 1/125 or over. You want to spin the dial to manual, set the shutter speed to ^^^ or above depending on light, and finally crank the ISO up, this can be done on the menu, click menu, press right and there will be 4 numbers, 64, 100, 200 and 400. For low light (espically at night) you want 200 or more like 400! And then use the flash to highlight. Thats the best sorta thing you can do really Good luck mate Anymore help give us a shout Rob (Y)
  23. Rob_P

    Plymouth Ride...

    One more pic from today Rider: Rowan Johns Was a good birthday ride :) (Y)
  24. HAHA cheers ted nice one!! ;) :) ;)
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