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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. What else do you expect in (nearly) December :)
  2. Rob_P

    "rail Video"

    That gap at the end, WTF!!!!
  3. So basically you'll be selling rimjam pads? and I hear Wally is updating his backings, too powerpads maybe i dont know!? If so, you'll basically be a rimjam seller then :'( Hardly original, you could of atleast got someone to do a proper job in PS with making the backings black, that pics gotta be what, 200 px square max and I can see it's all to cock a mile away. Your title bars are all out of line too. I wouldn't touch your company with a photoshopped rimjam pad extended at arms length :'(
  4. Looks alot like it came from this...... (One of many photos I did for Rimjam) And looks like someones done this to it.... :'( :'( ;)
  5. Fair play mate, 10fts big! I'd never have the balls to do 10ft, barely 7ft to be honest. Dont really like drops, for that exact reason ;) Love stories like this, thought it was just gonna be the drop, o no scrolled down HAHA, that drawing as well :'( :'(
  6. Rob_P

    Good Websites

    www.boreme.com wicked site :'( HAHA ravenriley aint a bad one either :'(
  7. It's pretty simple to do though.... (Not that I have done it) I was gonna explain it but I wont bother or there could be a few more topics like this (Y)
  8. Rob_P


    lol so you mean basically do any pads that fit maguras work better than tar? :P For a start you need some pads to grip onto the tar and well most pads work with tar anyway, so just get some shitters and you'll be alrite with the technique I described earlier :)
  9. Rob_P


    lol They might :P
  10. For a start you could put the topic in the right part of the forum :P
  11. Rob_P


    The best stuff is the liquid tar in the tins, smack on a cows comdom (rubber glove) and use that hand as a spoon. Really get a hand full and paint the stuff on your rims like your hands a brush! Works a treat :P
  12. bloody hell someones celebrating being validated. Your really going to town on the topics here, yo cant make em quick enough. Calm it down here shall we... what have I got in iTunes? How long have you got? :P
  13. Rob_P

    Dslr Question.

    Yeah I've got the 512mb version of that, seems to work a treat. Fast write and download times (Y)
  14. Rob_P


    Got a fair few ghost rider vids, that was awsome. Nothing compared to some of the speeds he does in some vids though. That was a gixer wasnt it? Rob (Y)
  15. That actually looks like a belly button near the bottom of the point :P
  16. Rob_P

    Exeter Ride

    No I was actually being serious, thanks. :P In no way have you pissed on my strawberries, no matter what people say it's a fantastic camera and no one can deny that. Words cant describe how happy I am to have it after such a long wait. Its a beast, no ones gonna say anything to put me off cus I know it's perfect! I was meaning maybe some constructive crit? or maybe not, if you just wanna say there fine...then thats cool. Cheers mate Rob :P :P
  17. I got sooo hungry reading this thread I just had to go make somein, first thing i saw was a spicy curry pot noodle, so thats what im eating :P I wanna make a poor mans pizza as thats what I always eat, but no god damm bread! :P Snack: 1) cheese on anything really; toast, beans chips, whatever..... 2) Nothing goes down better than peanut butter on toast with a hot choc made with milk! 3) Tomato soup with soliders and krisp rolls!! Sorry not to creative but taste great! Rob :P
  18. Rob_P

    Exeter Ride

    :P Thanks for that, Now back to the photos? :P
  19. Not forgetting active :turned: 2 stripe all the way baby
  20. Rob_P

    Bone Hill

    O come on baby buntin stop all the boo hoos. Just get a mate to send it to you orrr try re-installing it or somein, ORRR get your friggin PC sorted out, buntin :turned:
  21. Rob_P

    Exeter Ride

    I personally cant stand the 350D, it just in no way appeals to me. A mates got one and it's just like yeh great....it just dosent have that WOW factor. It may for some but definatly not for me. It may also be 8mp as asopsed to 6.1mp but who needs big mps unless your going to be printing over A4 all the time, certinatly not me. In an A4 print you woudlnt be able to tell the difference between 6 and 8 anyway. The kit lens on the Nikon is much better than canons. I had to wait a LONG time for my camera to come through, theres a serious lack of them atm but I think production is starting to pick up again. But when I did get it, it's just like oh my god this is a beast, its solid and feels more like a proper camera ( O wait it is.......) :D Just get the Nikon, seriously! Baring in mind mine have been compressed from 3mb a photo to like 120k or whatever so they hardly look great on here. Yes I am, if I had a pound for every time someone had offered to buy it I probably could of bought a new lens ;) (S5500) Cheers peeps Rob :P :P Keep em comin
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