I personally cant stand the 350D, it just in no way appeals to me. A mates got one and it's just like yeh great....it just dosent have that WOW factor. It may for some but definatly not for me. It may also be 8mp as asopsed to 6.1mp but who needs big mps unless your going to be printing over A4 all the time, certinatly not me. In an A4 print you woudlnt be able to tell the difference between 6 and 8 anyway.
The kit lens on the Nikon is much better than canons.
I had to wait a LONG time for my camera to come through, theres a serious lack of them atm but I think production is starting to pick up again.
But when I did get it, it's just like oh my god this is a beast, its solid and feels more like a proper camera ( O wait it is.......) :D
Just get the Nikon, seriously!
Baring in mind mine have been compressed from 3mb a photo to like 120k or whatever so they hardly look great on here.
Yes I am, if I had a pound for every time someone had offered to buy it I probably could of bought a new lens ;)
Cheers peeps
Rob :P :P
Keep em comin