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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. Bloody hell I see Toms gone all out
  2. Smart vid, I liked the upbeat music, filming angles and editing. Was smart. It keeps you interested. sidehop if all vids were just rider, gap, land, cut, rider, tap, cut etc etc...... then it would be pretty darn boring. I'll leave sidehop to curl up and die Nice one, what was the song?? Cheers Rob
  3. FU**IN C**T!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I had earphones in too, bloody hell you've never seen them ripped from ears so fast!
  4. You've gotta be kiddin me. Never would I run a freewheel, there horrible! Much more dangerous than a hope thats for sure! Hope dont only make great low budget hubs but their customer service is amazing. Any parts broken and they'll nearly always replace it for free. Do a search for hope bumming topics to see for yourself. I myself have had great service from them, 2 year old parts that just needed replacing, sent to them (disk and hub) both all parts replaced for free!! So if they do break after trials wear and tear you can place your bets it'll get replaced or fixed. Do dmr and enos have that sort of reputation?
  5. Not bad, not bad at all since you've only just got YOUR cam. Although one thing that stands out is that in the majority of the pics the sky/building is all burnt out. Now this is something I quite often find but recently i've learnt how to overcome it. Now on your cam switch the metering to "spot" meter and zoom in on midtone where you are going to take a photo. Then make sure the light levels are rite judging on the light meter, funnily enough lol. But depending on light etc you have to componsate by over or under exposing by half a stop or whatever. Then use flash to fill in the rest of the photo. I've found this quite handy lately. For example on the photo of Wayne givin it some real pasty you may expose for the dark side of the wall, or the door. Anyway im just nit picking really but it will make a difference. Rest of photos are real nice, espically the ones of Wayne with leg out and then falling off! Cheers Rob
  6. My brake froze for the first time ever tonite, o well was on the way home anyway. It's really quite good actually, if it freezes it's a sign you shoudln't be out riding anyway cus it's so god damm cold!!!! Roll on forkin summer, ridin in shorts and T-shirt till 11
  7. Another one to move out of the stoneage, come on Mike only one left!! I got: 2 DVDs, Clarkson and lee evans lowepro camera rucksack bout £160 + £45 in vouchers choc jeans and a t-shirt 2 photography books, one art and the other macro Nikon speedlight SB 600 flashgun Mint xmas, love it when all family get together! Happy new year all Rob
  8. Rob_P

    The Song Game!

    Message in blood-Pantera
  9. Yeah same here. Nice one!! cheers mate
  10. THAT WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get on chap, great riding, getting real good real fast. Keep up the good work, vids are always watched with great pleasure. Great editing and music. Nice Rob
  11. Rob_P

    Super Lucky

    You should of cycled next to him at high speed and kicked him off road rash style while dodging cars, prams and dustbins lol Glad you got it back
  12. I've got it, send tomorrow if thats any good
  13. Don't know if you can tell but sidehops hardly a "stud" Brian Adams?
  14. Dont forget those people on bikes and motorbikes
  15. Rob_P


    Lovin that!!! As RJ said, best zoo vid ever. More like that please, what was the song? Rob
  16. Rob_P

    Christmas Songs

    O sorry dad, close this is you want
  17. In need of some xmas songs cus they always play them at work and just to get us all in the spirit Some yeh please a list of the good stuff. Cheers Rob
  18. Rob_P

    Photo Tips

    If your talking about me saying that then bloody right you shouldnt of got one, and you were a good soilder for listening. Good camera dosent mean good photos unless you know what your doing. Which at the time, you didn't. It's like trials, build up from the bottom. If someone that hasnt had a proper camera before, not a digital compact, and then go buy a dslr is wasting money and time. Hand it to them and their not gonna have a fecking clue what there doing. Anyway thats my advice. Arn't you happy now with your lovely Fuji?? Saved a bit of cash too Rob
  19. Rob_P

    Photo Tips

    1) In dim light you want to be using flash ideally but if it's a serious no no then you want the apature right open, at around f3.2 so you get the most amount of light in while the shutters open. Dont forget the ISO number, normally ranges from about 6-3200 but on most digi cams it'll more likely be 64-400. The lower the light the higher number you want to be using, but the higher the number, the more noise. Shutter speed, well as you want to be getting as much light in as poss the slowest you can get away with without blurryness from handshake/rider movement is between 1/80th and 1/125. Ideally though in low light you want to be using flash, although on some cams you can dampen the power of the flash down, if not though a peice of masking tape does fine. 2) Normal daylight you want a low iso number (about 100), shutter speed quite fast...about 1/320, around that sorta mark and apature about f5 or so. The best way to learn is to experiment and also most cameras have an in-built light metre, a hand held one is better because the cameras one mixes it up measuring from midtones giving an average rather than something more accurate but unless you wanna be all fancie then the inbuilt one is fine. Normally found in the viewfinder. 3) Landscapes, well it depends I suppose on what you want to create. If you want a sunny landscape with movement in the trees then you'll need a tripod, a slow shutter speed, low iso and a high apature, like F8 + Because theres alot of light available and you want to create movement then you need to make the hole in the lens(apature) as small as poss so the light dosent overpower and causing the photo to overexpose. If you dont want movement then still you'll need something like F8, it really depends on how it looks too you. If your including the sun in this photo, then you want to be able too see the land instead of just the sun. You can expose 2 photos, one for the sky and one for the ground and merge together in photoshop but if you cant be assed with that then just have quite a slow shutter and a high apature. Sorry if some of thats not completly correct, im tired. lol Anyway hope thats helped, the best way to learn is to experiment. Cheers Rob
  20. If I see the message " sorry your file is to large" one more time....... Edit: After that painfully long process here they are! BONE HILL PLYMOUTH PHEW, Hats off Rich, you did good! Hope you all like them Awsome weekend Rob God the quality looks so shite on here
  21. Very nice sexy, I was gonna make a topic but since theres a pic thread already i'll put mine in here later if you dont mind some of Bone hill too. Cheers teddy Mint ride Rob
  22. You have absolutly no idea what your talking about.
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