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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. time of your life - greenday A lot of people seem to like it but god it does my head in!
  2. I just sling it in the garage but it's safe as fookz rond herzz matezxzzz !*£*£*£*£**@!@!llghgh!!!lol!!!11111
  3. bude........BUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a good 40 mins away
  4. Not that you would EVER restrict or insure an R1 or anything over a 600 really to 33bhp I know it was only an example but they did a test and restricted a hyabusa (1300cc) to 33bhp and it was pretty much un-useable.
  5. CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT REPLY ANYMORE, IT NEEDS MORE TIME!!!!! for gods sakes no wonder theres so many arguments etc on here with all the retards.
  6. Very 'sexual' Chris Lets see some more
  7. What tool every invented plastic tyre levers is beond me! SNAP Metal ones all the way, spoons just bend
  8. Nice one matey they look really good!! Good angles and colours. Although saying that on numbers two and four the colours look quite weak compared to the others. Have you adjusted the saturation? Second to last is my fav
  9. It's a Fuji S5600 so yeah he can
  10. Im sure everyone is wondering this but if you just be patient im sure somethnig will be said about it. I remember him saying somewhere "can people stop emailing me asking if i'm going to make a vid" It's not like your life depends on it is it?
  11. haha good to see my old forks are still lasting James
  12. Yeah it will depend on if your using them with a grind or not. Certain rims hold grinds better than others, i'm sure megemo isn't on the greatest side. A lot of people use them on the back, not sure about the front but still... Try them on the back maybe? If theres any residue on the pads rub them off with a bit of sandpaper or such like.
  13. Well obviously everyone won't turn up as there so spread out across the UK. I for one wouldn't want to travel 4 odd hours for a ride, to be honest. Depending on place then yeah sounds good but i'm sure the Local Plymouth, Bristol etc rides will be fine
  14. Another specimen I'm sure that the rest of the forum will agree that heatsink reds are amazing pads, better again in CNC backings. A mates got some and theres no flex at all in his brake, REALLY stiff. Im sure Steve dosen't need tools like you making topics about how crap is pads are, when there obviously not. How long have you ridden them for? Why are they 'crap'?
  15. Get on!!! White forks definatley look good!! God I can't wait for mine to be done, the weather is PERFECT!
  16. Edot: Ok just seen the other topic about this as well, whatever.
  17. Rob_P


    Total cock cheese hey Rob! I've actually deleted his contact now Yeah and he was saying to me na I wanna build a python first.
  18. Quality video!! Smoother than butter, even on the big stuff. Not than any of it wasnt big. You make riding look piss work, go away
  19. but could you though? Those shots on photobox arn't Chris's best work IMO. He's sent me some shots that he took at Bike show last year and I can asure you they are AMAZING. Also some of the other shots that hes taken around London not involving tials at all. So before you all start going " ahh yeh matee lets see you do better thenn,"......dont. Some good shots, the flower ones are well taken but I can't really see them as being connected despite your explination. I like the other close ups, shows your looking at stuff from different angles. Rob
  20. lol Nick you'd be lucky to get to 100 riding it 'legally'
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