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Everything posted by Rob_P

  1. Yep Also night shots would be more of a reality handheld than a F3.5 lens as theres so much more light entering the lens. Also pretty expencive Although as Chris said, at the widest AP it won't bes as sharp, using 1.8 would be a better option as a lowest.
  2. Yeah what they said Also when you zoom your lens so it's at max zoom (or near) then the apature will automatically change to it's next lowest setting, if already on the lowest (3.2) For example, set a wide apature, then zoom in on something and watch it rise. Thats why with DLSR lenses you see this : I.e. "70-300mm F4.5-5.6" << Thats the widest apatures, depending on how much it's zoomed.
  3. or sort through, delete the shit ones and there should be 3 left HAHA jokin!! Na, sort through em and just delete the ones you don't want or put them in a seperate folder. Use firefox get a fook load of tabs open with imageshack
  4. See if you can get a Haynes manual cheap off ebay?
  5. Not too sure about Canons myself knowledge wise but the 20D is a very sought after camera. As the 30D hasn't been proven yet I'm not sure, although i'm sure Canon know EXACTLY what their doing, making it a very hard decision. I know that the 30D has multiple exposure, meaning you can create one frame with the movement of one object like in photoshop but straight from camera, or so I hear. If I was you i'd go for a 30D but i'm sure as new cameras are released, older ones like the 20D will be cheaper i'd imagine? or become cheaper and maybe you could spend the extra on some L glass. The decision is yours
  6. Not bad at all, some sweet smooth riding but you look like you could go much bigger!
  7. It's the top left one. Click that box which should open another box. It actually says save target as from there but you just do a normal left click and the save box comes up Pretty good vid, that town looked packed.not. Bit of a stab in the dark but does anyone know what front tyre hes running? Looked really 'streety' as aposed to your normal maxxis
  8. Rob_P

    Day - Video

    Well done pork chops, top bit of shootin there!! Thats some dedication, mummy pack your sarnies? Good man that was awsome, I still can't believe you bought a memory card just to do it though
  9. There a little small and the borders are WAY to fat i think but the photos look grand.
  10. Cool little clips I'm glad you didn't add music for some reason. The sound of those new hopes are gorgeous. Top riding!!
  11. Rob_P


    You've got it nailed Patt
  12. Rob_P


    1) Select the lasso tool, the pointed one is better ( not round one or the magnetic one) 2) Draw round the *red* thing you want to keep in colour 3) If theres more than one thing, eg. Say on a trials photo........Red gloves and a red helmet then draw round your first..... hold down shift so theres a little "+" sign next to the lasso and draw round again. 4) Once you have all your little selections you may want to feather it by a pixel or two, just to round the edges off slightly. 5) Go to select>inverse 6) In the layers box, click the half B+W circle, then click gradient map. Should be like a Black fading to gray box, click that and you should see your work complete Any problems get back to me
  13. Assuming you have all the music on your pc....why don't you try fromating it?
  14. That is.....quite frankly.......awful! haha sorry Na it's alrite I suppose but everything needs changing and re-arranging. Start off with a good background picture that is something that can clearly be seen. Maybe a close up of a bike part would be a good idea. The text really isn't very easy to read, the highlighted look doesn't look good at all. Leave it plain and simple. Less is better as they say, theres too much text really, obviously keep basic details like phone number, (obviously a website would be great,) and a quick summery. I know theres still quite limited detail but it just 'looks' a lot. I'm not to keen on the whole list, centred thing either. If I was you, i'd start again in Photoshop from scratch. Show us any updates P.S . Paul- when are you ever going to make my mate spud (Dan Milton) that promised booster
  15. Get on timmys, good show!
  16. Rob_P


    This actually looks a little bit like me [attachmentid=3784]
  17. That pure is bangin!! So's the mod but mods are gay Nice paint job, certinatley stands out
  18. It's all very nice and all but seriously, whats the point in uploading one picture? Atleast 5 i'd say is good! Nice bit of PS i suppose
  19. that was VERY good!!! editing and riding were awsome! Make another one soon
  20. It's all very nice with good parts but it looks boring as sin, it's begging for some colour and originality! but then again so are most LLGS bikes
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