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Everything posted by Rob_P
I think it was pretty spot on Rich. The sections seemed about right for each ability group, the layout was good and was well impressed with how it all went. Everything was organised really well and attracted people from all over. Was good to meet some new faces as well, always good to put tf names to faces and all that. I can't really think of anything at all that I would change, starting the layout must have been hard from scratch so top job with that. All in all a fantastic day, well done too all the organisers. Look forward to the next one
I have a name you know tongue boy Sounds like a good idea to me!! Nice one Fred
U mean D50? There is the new D40 which is out and that's pretty nice. Nice big screen but the disadvantage is it only takes AF-S lenses. So the 50mm nikon f1.8 and all old lenses won't work on it.
Fantastic work!! Definatley something good to have in your portfolio, especially if you have the original to compare. First one looks well good
Canon i350, good choice! It's good all round really, pretty smart for doing proper photo quality prints too. Mind you it's miles and miles away from an epson.
Milburn Get cape, wear cape, fly Absolutly awsome!!
Should be a good day!! I'll be riding 26" inter and i'm going to be totally crap as I haven't ridden in a good month. The weather is so crap here too, hopefully get some practise in before sat
haha waits for the arguments to begin! My 2p: Well I had a motorbike (50cc but not a twist and crawl) at 16 and still have one now. I love going out on the motorbike so so much, it's a really great feeling, one that you certinatley can't get in a car at 17 since insurance is so high. I did my proper bike test first, got a bike then when I was 18 did my driving test and also have a car. The car is nice for picking people up and stuff, just jump in it and off you go, but it's slow compared. Using the car to go to work is much more handy, especially in rubbish weather. With the bike you've obviously gotta lug a jacket, helmet and gloves around with you etc. I could rant on for hours but to sum up, car for practicality, bike for fun and style. Mind you it's only fun if you have a quick bike, you aint getting no thrills on a 50.
Zanger and myself will be there I hope, although i've told work it's the 10th f**k I haven't even sent off my licence form yet, shit. Looks like I could just be watching and photographing!?!? be good to meet everyone
Ok, have a read in some of these: CLICK I would write an eassy as to why i'd choose one over another but I can't be bothered Done it way too many times already lol. Some of my personal favourites for what would be ideal for you, as follows: Fuji S5500/S5600 Olympus SP 510UZ Olympus SP 3200 All have manual controls for when you start to learn about apertures/shutter speeds/iso/white balance etc. Let you be a lot more creative. Rather than just sticking it on auto.
Pretty sweet little site there with some great photos! First (minor) thing, spelling mistake on front page, chech instead of check? A bit slow loading as well but minor.
good idea^^ I got an ex some gig tickets for valentines day once. Went down an absolute treat! Get em on ebay, wack em in a card, but get a card where u can like slot them into the inside somewhere, rather than just opening it up and them falling out. Shes like "oo a card? " then she'll see the tickets and go mental
Nice one Fred and Dan!!! Bike looks really smart, definatley looks good in white! Nice shots Dan, well panned!
Sorry first one was a bit messy when you looked closer so sorted that BLACK ONE also comes in white [attachmentid=8321] edit: Friggin hell why won't it do 2 in one post Synergy's mum owes Rob_p a <insert filth here>
Very smart mate Loved the stair bit, jump and twist all over the shop Also loved the bunny hop rolling backwheel. All over good vid
I know Joe- Yeah Zoom is batty
Yeah the Sigma and Pelang both look very nice!! I'd like the Pelang I think, from Mikes shots it looks a beast but I dunno. I think if I got a fisheye it would have to be the nikon 10.5mm without a doubt. Borrowed one once and it was so so sweet, 2.8 as well. But they arn't cheap either. Why not just get the Pelang since it's cheap as a chinese handjob and works well. decisions decisions O and Dave, Pleaseeee just post your questions in the random photo thread or a previous topic, makes much more sence.
Wet willy, tongue style
It's certinatley a constant debate over Canon and Nikon. Not many people mention the others like Olympus, Pentax, Samsung, Sony.....quite simply because there not as good IMO (and many others). I'm gonna contradict myself here by saying that I actually love the Olympus system. The new tiny E400 is based around something like a OM2 with a long slim body with hardly any grip, feels like poop but my god the photos and lenses are really good!! Had the Olympus rep in at work tuther day so he bought a load of kit with him, including a 7-14mm, the end glass was actually like a ball, crazy wideangle!! Just the general system works really well, even the lenses screw on REALLY smooth, so much nicer than any others but thats kinda not important Also the dust system is really good, mate uses an older E1 at banger racing etc and gets it totally covered in shat, not had a dust problem in the 2/3 years hes had it which is pretty impressive. Also if it gets covered in sand and mud can just wash it under the tap because it's fully weather sealed Also the sensor shakes when you turn it on as aposed to the Sony jobbie that shakes the sensor when you turn it off, so you gotta turn it on, then off, then on again, bit odd. Anyway, sorry gone a bit off topic. If your looking for a D70s you'll be pretty lucky to find one as it's been replaced with the D80, unless a few shops have em kicking about still. As you said the Nikon definatley definatley handles better, the grip on the D80 is so deep it just fits perfectly! The Canon is a bit plastic like and smaller, but then again it is cheaper. You really have to weigh up the pros and cons but as has been said, your not gonna go wrong with either! Both big brand names and you'll be pleased with either choice. Just gotta think if it's worth spending the extra on the Nikon, because what are you gonna spend the extra money on? Drink, cheap schlaggs and the like? Gonna be kicking yourself 6 months down the line and saying wish I bought the Nikon or whatever!? Start up time is something like 0.2 and 0.3 seconds so don't worry about that at all. Canons self cleaning sensor may be handy and haven't heard too much about it but apperntly you've got to use some software as part of the cleaning? Anyway let us know how you get on PS. get the nikon
Quality!!! Thats the spirit, you don't belong on a long low gay bike. as the bluds say "Pure till I die" Hopefully see you on the 26th Keep it real
real men pile the washing up to be done when mother gets home
this suit is black not Did quite enjoy it I must say
Beasty photos as usual Mike!! Need to get some more up, i love em. in that first one did you use off camera flash? How do you get the exposure so spot on, the flash is perfect. Last ones best, although he should be covering his back brake
I agree with the whole amp and speakers thing!! You can pick up an amp, cd player and speakers for the same price as a crappy hi fi in comet, you know the ones people buy cus they look good I've got Cambridge audio amp and technics cd player rigged up to laptop via headphone cable jobbie, works a treat and the sound quality is super good!! Can just wack the headphone bit into ipod as well which is ideal. Get a stacked system then you'll have a decent stereo and pc speakers